Friday, December 4, 2009
LOLs, changed the blogskin because i was too lazy to change the fonts of the previous one, one by one. :P
Anyways, this really caught my eye and i thought it really seemed classy enough. ^-^
Fine, maybe the word 'classy' doesnt apply on me personally, but it suits my CBox name. ;D
Anyways, the previous CBox i forgot the pass and login ID AGAIN. x.x
LOLs, it's like, a few times already and damn, i just cant remember it. :/
Hence, i shall reply the one and only tag by Kurin on this post here. :)
Tag reply:
Kurin : LOLs, not i remember it in details, is just that it's my thoughts and feelings. Thats why it leaves an impression and becomes more significant. :x
Didnt post yesterday because i was simply too lazy.
Wednesday was the last day of work. :D
Which means that work has officially ended.
& yes, though it's short, i think i earned quite a bit of money and it would be enough for me to buy my new year clothes. :}
Work was boring lah.
Socialised with the people there and it's saddening to leave. D:
ChaoNgin came to find me anyways.
I told you i had 6th sense. :x
I prayed for her that she would get the job and
she got it ! :D
She started working already.
Hope everything is well. :/
During work, i was seriously
We have 2 scenarios.
Case 1 :
A Caucasian woman walked by and looked at the clothes.
I started introducing her to the other piece which was red in colour.
& when she saw it, she went :
OMG look honey look ! -.=||
Apparently she was with her husband and because of her strongly-accented English.
The sentence that she spoke, not only seemed to consist of sarcasm,
but also sounded so bimbotic.
Case 2 :
This Singaporean teenage girl came and flipped through the clothes with force,
causing one of the dress to drop onto the floor.
When she saw it, she DIDNT even bother to pick it up and put it back on the hanger.
Fine, i went to pick it up and murmured something like :
Walaoeh, drop already still dont want to pick up.
& i think she heard it, so she quickly apologised. :/
Ok, take it that i accept her apology.
She went to take the brochure and looked at the clothes and asked me if we had the piece she wanted.
I went to get it out for her.
& she told me :
I mean, do you sell the gloves and not the clothes.
Sucker sia.
I resisted the urge to just roll my eyes and ignore her.
We were featuring clothes, for goodness sake.
How can she ask if we had gloves there when we didnt even exhibit it out ?!
I bet she just forgot to bring her brain along luh.
Another bimbo. -.-"
Whatever, loser. :/
As for yesterday, slacked the entire day ?
Except for playing Maple.
Of course. :3
Trained quite a fair bit and played with LiXuan and Rebby. ^^v
As for today.
I also slacked lah.
And again i played Maple lor.
Cant be helped actually.
When i turn on the computer, i realise that i have nothing to do except FB and Maple. :/
& since most of the games are almost done in FB, im left with Maple.
Moreover, i must say that Asiasoft sure does know how to earn money and attract people to continue playing it.
They just keep on introducing new things and if i had started a little later,
i might appear less knowledgeable and become a laughing stock.
Tomorrow going out with Rach and Fern.
Long time never see her already.
It's a good time to be gathering together. ^^
Going shopping but i dont really have much money with me yet since i would only receive my pay next week.
Have a long list of things i want to buy.
Bet that money i earned would go into clothes and be left with nothing.
We'll see.
Thats all.
Going to sleep liao. So damn tired.
Nitenites ! :))
Fullstop !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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