Monday, September 7, 2009
Went to visit Elena's FB and recollected the 'beautiful' times we had in Sec1 & 2.
Saw the pictures which we had taken in the Bottle Tree Park eons ago, which was uploaded 8months ago, and only began to look at it days ago.
To my surprise, i suddenly realized how fast time had passed,
how things could have changed so quickly in the mere period of 3 to 4 years,
how we could, from a originally happy cluster, become so segregated,
and dont seem to be talking/socializing with one another of much, lately..
It's quite..
How i really wished for time to turn back,
for me to relive that time,
experience the happiness i had felt with my old classmates..
this doesnt happen in real life.
The next thing i saw, was how much our looks/appearance has changed.
Rebby, with her ponytail hair, into the current nicer-looking and stylish hair.
LiXuan, her cute-nerdy look into an even cuter girl, with her face changing into more angular.
Elena, didnt change much. LOLs ! Just that, she looks 'clearer' now. I dont know how to explain that feeling..
ShiPing, from a mushroom head who doesnt smile into camera much, into more sunshine and better-groomed person. Not saying she's very neat now. xD
Some others which i saw in the pictures included Korin, Amanda, Pavithira etc.
We were originally close..
What happened ?
I hate going in different paths.
& now, the big and fat O is coming,
it means our farewell is coming,
we're going separate ways.
When will we see each other again ?
Someday or never ?
That feels so emo-ish.
& i realized how cute-looking i am. HAHA ! xD
I meant, in the past. :x
I look, chubbier in the cheeks ?
Yah, faces became more angular with time.
I guess that's a cycle uh ?
Thats all lah.
Just having some random recollections of classic times.
I like thinking philosophically. :P
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