Sunday, August 30, 2009
It's been raining lots lately.
Morning rains are the best ! Cooling. Hehe ! :]
It has rained for more than half a day today.
Hope it rains more, super chilly. ~
Cant wait for tomorrow.
Im so excited ! HAHA !
I guess im not going to get much sleep because of this anticipation.
Which is very stupid.
There's nothing much to blog.
Didnt go out.
& im still considering...
Forget it.
Prelims ahh..
I screwed up the major papers ?
So it doesnt matter if im going to fail every single paper.
It's just going to be demoralizing zehh~
Oh well, shall continue the YishunSec paper. :D
Im going to complete the 10 papers soon !! ^^v
Leave out the questions that i didnt do. :x
Going to chiong EMaths liao.
Should be no prob.
& O's is coming in 2months, im flustered, im not doing anything though.
It just feels retarded to know that the major exam is approaching with every passing day but yet, im not doing anything to make use of the time now.
Im dead sure im not going to chiong a lot during the final month.
Which is next month.
Congrats to me, man.
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