Thursday, August 27, 2009
Oh well.
Make it 3 papers that i screwed up. :]
Ok, maybe it wasnt just 3.
But still..
Dont get my hopes high because im not going to fare well in Chem and Phy during O's.
Apparently for my standard, i should be taking sub-science, but am not. :(
How sia.
My theory already CMI.
Doing maths in science ?
Thats' WAY worse.
MsTan still said to score higher for MCQ and made it sound so simple.
In actual fact,
I can confidently say that i tikam-ed throughout almost half the paper. :}
Great job leh !
It might not have been difficult, but as i said, my standard already determines that im always going to say it's difficult.
I died in Paper2.
Paper1 double-die.
So all in all,
thriple-dead. ;]
& AMaths plus Bio just had to be tomorrow.
Im not going to study for Bio because im never going to pass it, under her
Might as well spend more time solving maths equation and pray hard i wont die till so ugly tomorrow.
8 papers down.
4 more to go.
Die 4 times more. :)
Shall end here.
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