Monday, August 31, 2009
Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers ! :D
School started ordinarily.
Wrote the card for MrAng and MrsGruber.
Had to walk around the school once early in the morning, which was totally unnecessary. =.=
Checked testimonial. :x
Went to the hall for celebration. LOLs.
It was boring until the part where the official performance started.
MrAng got the CARING TEACHER AWARD ! Haha !
I suppose that he's quite shocked since last year, he didnt receive any award.
But this year, MrHiew never get any award. :(
He was just nominated twice.
But at least he is recognised already. ^^
Headed to class to bring the presents down to StaffRoom.
Created quite a commotion in class. Must be because of the presents. LOLs. x.x
And i realized that AuntyWilliam has fallen in love with my purple pouch ! :D
Aww, but what's going to happen to MrsCheam ? D:
He keeps disturbing it.
Lucky ChaoNgin and HuiYee tried to get it back for me. ^^v
Gave MrAng, MsTan and MrHiew. :D
MsTan is quite unhappy about the, 'Remain lame'. LOLs !
Saw her letting other teachers see it. HAHA, she must be super paiseh liao. :x
MrHiew looked at his the moment we gave him.
Still said that we should have graded him with Jovial, Charming, Scholarly. LOOLs !
Actually, he's one of the teachers that got most of the ticks, among the 5 teachers.
Saw Mario.
He's so lonely lor. D:
Nobody give him anything lah ! T-T
I think at the very least, even MrKoh also got lor ! :/
Suddenly felt bad about not giving him anything, at least a card would have been nice.
At least, he wouldnt feel so left out when he sees students giving presents to their teachers...
Went to meet with XueQi and headed to AMKHub.
Ate icecream. Sort of. -.-
& it was super
1. Saw him walking to the opposite side when he got off the escalator.
2. Saw him at the right side when i turned from the icecream shop.
3. He popped up and said hi suddenly, from the back.
4. He was walking to our direction when we had already parted for very long.
went to MCS ! WOOOO !
Heng lor, this time there was no sign of that uncouth and rude and stupid security guard which
Must be because some people complained, so they decided to fire her and hire a new uncle as security guard. ;]
Strolled around and looked at how much MCS changed.
Not much luh, just that they changed some flooring.
But i still prefer the old one. D:
Headed to the hall where they had assembly.
I forgot that MCS had school even during special days like this. :/
Because we couldnt see MdmQuek / MdmTan / call them out, so we went to the StaffRoom and played with the swing there. ^^
It's so fun luh !
The new teachers are SUPER nice leh ! :DD
I mean, they even invited us to attend the celebration lor.
OMG, so touched. T-T
Dont remember having such good teachers last time.. -.-
Gave MdmQuek the present.
Haha, she looked quite happy to see us.
She still has this... I dont know how to say. But she still has the stern look, just that she's smiling more instead of frowning and scolding us.
LOOLs ! x.x
Finally found MdmTan and gave her the present.
& yet she could recall XueQi and Rach. HMMPHH !
Unfair ! ):
Saw YiYing, exexex-classmate. LOLs !
She didnt change much uh..
Feels good to meet with old friends. ^^v
This year didnt meet any others in 6C. :/
Later, went to Canteen.
Didnt do much, just socialized with the stall aunties. ;)
But i still didnt get to eat the BeeHoon i've been craving for 2 years ago !
Went to find teachers again to take picture.
Wah, the staircase was so small and packed that it was super stuffy but the students were pushing one another, some even going to fall !
MdmQuek came to rescue and scolded them ! :DD
I was really bth inside. -.=
Should have used the lift.
Take le picture, wandered off to PE area and commemorate the nice experience we had there. :D
Wanted to go visit SisterDelphine. But the door seemed lock. & the toilet beside the stairs totally spooked us because it was super eerie.
Same goes for the stairs.
We screamed, as usual. LOOLs ! :3
Took some super retarded and random photos. xD
All uploaded in fb. Hehe.
That's all luh.
Wanted to go for IceCreamBuffet de. But it was too late by the time we finished playing around.
Wonder when im going to go back again..
That's all luh !
Too tired to blog luh, no brain cells, all dead.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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