Friday, September 4, 2009
Im so happy.
But i guess this happiness shall end quite soon after the 1wk holiday. -.-
& the great thing is that we're going to go through our Chem paper next Tue.
Im truly awed by the speed at which MsTan marks our paper.
However, i think that she has lost a lot of blood in that period. :]
Probably due to over-vomitting of blood ? :/
OMG, means she's going to be slimmer already ?! O-O
Aww, that would make her sad. D:
Apparently, she really wants to stay in her current... Body shape. xD
Fine, im crapping. :3
Since it's a happy day,
i shall announce happily that Bio Paper1 today was superbly OK ! ^^
I wouldnt bother thinking about the results since i seriously DID NOT TOUCH the bio textbook AT ALL. ;}
So it's quite obvious what my results are already, huh ?
Surprisingly, the bio MCQ is the easiest among all 3 sciences, when i was all prepared to flung / tikam throughout the entire paper. :/
& it's the only paper where everyone had so much time,
even ChaoNgin began cutting her eraser dust with a ruler !
MrsChew is annoying, seriously.
I think she shouldnt be an invigilator. :x
I mean, if not for the fact that we finished the paper so quickly, we couldnt have tolerated the amount of noise she created. -.="
Moreover, it's an exam, and shouldnt the invigilator be the one maintaining silence instead of the students trying to silent her ? =.=
Ok, it sounds wrong, about the silencing part. :x
But, you get what i mean..
Oh well,
at least that would be the last time we're having her as our invigilator.
Giving herself excuses and praising herself. Please dont kua suay people, thanks.
Anyways, i realized that im such a failure. D:
I didnt even know that ChaoNgin's birthday is coming ! x.x
& the worst thing is not upon realizing it when we sang the birthday song,
but when i found out that her birthday is tomorrow instead of today.
This shows the lack of understanding i have for others..
2 years and i dont know anything about her, except for her ultimate lameness.
Talking about it,
i realized that i cant even remember the exact dates of some close friends' birthday, and im expecting them to give me a birthday present.
Now that's not good..
This is not the correct attitude ! I MUST CHANGE IT ! >:(
i shall sing ChaoNgin a birthday song here, since i think i might forget about it tomorrow, due to my STM or braindead brain. :D
Happy birthday to you,
you live in a sea,
you look like a seaweed,
and you smell like one too.
This came from the old idea of her being the seaweed queen. ;D
But i think she might not see it anyway. :x
Oh well.
At least it's the thought that counts. ^^v
& im officially broke.
Thanks to Brandon.. -.-
That stupid Rach told me yesterday she had tuition today.
But today, she said she just said she was wondering whether she wanted to go or not.
Never mind, dont harp on this matter.
So, decided to go Ion with XueLi. Originally included Ethel, but last minute, she pulled out.
So... :]
It was illegal gathering at the busstop ! HAHA.
Because there was so many people.. Fiona, ChaoNgin, Candace, Joshua, XueLi, Rach and Me. :}
We were quite a cluster there, making some noise. :x
And 162 came first ! LOOOOLs !
Now that's a first. :3
I did the AngMoh's WU-EE to Fiona when she gave me that diao look ! LOLs. xD
Ion is interesting.
But the things are expensive as well.
Average prices of about $40.
So, for poor commoners like me, it's totally a place to window-shop, but not a place to buy things.
But then, if you want to buy branded stuffs at cheap prices, yah, that's a good place to start with. ^^
& i saw a pair of shoes which i think is totally nice luh ! :D
Too bad, i almost fainted when i saw the price.. 10cents and it's $90.. -.-
I'll just tell the cashier to keep the change. :D
Drank Starbucks, recommended by Rach.
LOLs, i drank 1 hot chocolate + 1 cold water which was equivalent to half of XueLi's cold water, which i had koped, and Rach's hot chocolate.
So, i practically drank more than 2 persons' share.
But i still think that i didnt eat a lot leh. :/
Then that XueLi told us that she keep having the feeling that we would meet MrSamLim at Ion because it's a very artistic place. x.x
She screamed when she saw someone that looked like him, but wasnt. :D
Luckily. -.-
& im so going back there to eat all the Japanese things.
Went to Taka, Kino afterwards.
Saw this set of Chinese book. x.x
OMG, my hand itchy, heart wavering liao. Zz.
In the end, didnt buy, because it wasnt worth it, and i wouldnt want to waste my precious time on stories instead of studying for Os.
I would leave that for BookFest in Dec. ^^v
Im already saving up.
Huurrhurr... @.@
Went to take 162 alone.
Lost my sense of direction, probably because my brain cells died with the cells at my foot, due to tons of walking.
Reached home, eat.
Looks like im going to sleep soon.
But shall off comp after watching show.
Tomorrow must start on Phy le ! Gambatteh ! ;D
I believe i can do it !
That's all !
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