Monday, September 7, 2009
It feels like ages that i've not been blogging.
Ok, so what did i do recently.. =.="
Ohyah, i didnt do anything over the weekends. :D
So apparently, there's nothing much to say.
Im still thinking about the subject that i raked up with NamenJie and Intel..
Yahh, whatever.
Dont like me jiu dont like me lor.
Like i give a damn like that nia.
Your attitude super pisses me off, hate me then i'll just return that hatred to you. ;]
& mind you,
dont EVER come back and talk to me one fine day as if nothing ever happened,
because im so going to hate you even more if you're like that.
I wouldnt mind anything about this issue if it wasnt for the fact that your attitude was really bad and rude.
Perhaps you're still what we call a little girl luh. ;)
Never mind, JieJie understand de. :}
& gosh, stupid Jie,
can you like, stop falling into the bottomless pit of love when you already have a very good idea he is not going to make a perfect boyfriend ? =.=
OMG, i cant bear to see anymore.
I'll be standing by the side and supporting you, though, even if i dont agree of your choice..
Though im not sure if it's your choice in the first place. -.=
Hahaa, but one thing, im SERIOUSLY looking forward to December. ^^v
You better dont disappoint me by saying that everything is cancelled. x.x
Or you'll get it from me..
Studied with Rach today. ^^
She came to my house.
Was quite productive actually.
Because i managed to finish the small 5years' series of Physics ! :DD
But i sort of looked at most of the answers because mine wasnt really structured in the best form.
At the end of the day,
i realized why MrAng is good at Maths and English. -.-||
I almost forgot her birthday.
It just occured to me halfway through. :P
But well, she'll see.. ^^
She was super duper happy when i sent her a happy birthday SMS. LOOLs ! xD
I guess she thought i had forgotten her..
How could i?
Even if i really did hate her, i wouldnt do such a mean thing, because she's still a great friend, if everyone is able to neglect her rudeness and weird speaking manner.
She is rather persuasive.. Good listener as a friend, though she shoots everything
Hahaa, but still happy that she's happy.
Well, i didnt make her sad. :D
See ! Im a good friend ! ^^v I remember her sia, because she bought me a cute bday present. <3
Tomorrow going out with ChaoNgin they all.
Erh, ChaoNgin was super touched. I think :x
Dont come hugging me because you're super touched by what i sacrificed for you. xDD
Ok, i know that sounds wrong. -.="
& tomorrow's going to be a DISASTER. D:
I think i would have been halfdead at the end of the lesson. T-T
Wish me luck for my Chem Prelim. ARRGGHHH ! ._.
I think im not having enough practice for AMaths already ! D:
I forgot some things.
Shyt lah, see what happens the moment i stop doing maths. -.=
But then again, maybe the reason for not being able to think logically was because my brain cells had died after 4 hours of studying.
Maybe.. -.-
But i did EMaths ! :D
Though i only finished 1x questions. -.=
Hmm, thats' all luh ?
Going to continue with the studying for this entire week, except tomorrow. ;D
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