Friday, September 11, 2009
Muahahaa ! :P
Going to buy my new earpiece later on at ToaPayoh. ^^v
The current one really sucks luh. -.=
Totally makes me lose interest in music. :x
Anyways, i must say im rather productive in the morning because first thing i did after i brush my teeth,
was to go and start completing my EMaths paper. :/
Managed to complete both 1 EMaths P2 and SerangoonGarden P2 AMaths ! :DD
That damned paper also dont know fly where liao, make me waste 60cents to photocopy it again. -.="
Anyways, still duper happy that i've completed
Now shall go start on some Physics-textbook reading.
Aww shyt, im so going to fall asleep while highlighting the points.
Confirm going to be way more boring-er than Chem did to me. -.-
Oh well,
早死早投胎. ^^
Either way, im still dead, might as well put in some effort to not die so miserably. :x
And i didnt touch bio this entire week. Im really sure im failing it in Os. -.-"
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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