Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hmm.. Im sort of touched by someone special's words. I mean 2 people.. Or 3.. Oh well.. Anyways, those that comforted me, im really, and i mean TRULY happy to know that at least i have good friends. :D
Anyways, i just knew from ChinChao that my laughter is influential! YAY! xD
No wonder everytime i laugh, i realise that lixuan, rachel and those others a few will laugh along. I thought it was my joke that was funny uh? O-O
Hehe.. Ok, so i have successfully managed to chiong finish my chinese homework! Yay to me! ^^
Tomorrow would be yet another boring day.
As each day pass, im getting more and more afraid of Olevels. GOSH. x.x
Oh well, shall work harder. [ though i've decided to slack for this whole week yet again.. ]
I said i wanted to study this week from last week and now, what am i doing?! NOTHING!
GOSH! >.<
I dont stick to my principles. D: I let myself down!
When will i ever buck up?! HUH?! SI WT! Wake up! Olevels coming liao. xD
Ok fine, im being a stupid person right now. Shall go and watch tv beh~
OHOH! That si-teffi call me buy some weird shirt. My sixth sense tells me that this is a decision that i might live to regret SOON.
Forget it. Shall not think about it. I think already also want to laugh nia. =x
Ok last but not least, i shall thank the people below that have comforted me! :D
3)ShiPing <~ On exams de luh. xD But still count right? =x
Tqs for all. :D Love yaa! ^^
Fullstops with love.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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