Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hi there again! It's the new year's eve, officially! Happy early new year to all in advance! :D
Didn't attend the family reunion dinner because Dad was sick so, my parents never go. Sad lah.. Cannot reunite together, but! We can reunite starting from tomorrow and it sure is going to be a long week! Money in the midst of rolling in again! ^__^ Wonder how much money I would get again this New Year. Hope can win in gambles too!
Ok, anyways, went back to school for celebration and it was really... BORING~~ I have nothing to say about it, although the school DID on the air-con. Did not satisfy my needs, even so. Still boring, I must say honestly..
Went to AMK Hub after school. Ate a sausage prata and went home. Helped sort out sweets and made chain-flower necklaces for the gods. I did quite a good job! Though it was quite short. -.-"
Then nothing much happened except for sleeping and watching shows. It's going to be a tiring week. Must stay awake! OMG! I haven't kept my textbooks. Haiz.. Never mind, forget it. Ok, done and bye for now. Won't update until I have free time. Bye!
PS: I just found out that Shippy's crystals was as 'good' as mine! ^.^ Don't know who, that time keep hao lian say that their crystals are going to be better than mine. In the end.. Who knows?! ;D De zui ren liao.. xD
Ok, bye liao! ;)
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