Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I AM SO SO SO SO SO.... HAPPY!! ^___^ Because it's E-learning again and I passed my E Maths test! :D
So it was scientifically proven that having tuition the day before a maths test is best to revise, for people like me. ( Those that is super lan in maths one. :P )
Ok, well had geog and bio.. Didn't know what Triple L said.. xD By the way, Steffi and Rachel made up the 3 Ls. -.- Lousy,Lame,Loser. LOL! We dragged the subject from our Maths test to teachers. Incredible eh? Ha ha.. So, made a pose for her also. LOL! Not bad-mouthing her lah. Just for fun and she admitted herself that she was triple L de.. No problems in Bio except for the fact that she was dragging again and almost intended to eat into our Maths time!!
Had Maths immediately after Bio. Mr Hiew was already standing outside the classroom. Boy, he really is punctual/impatient. xD Nothing to describe him except for being a sports car. Hee hee.. The total test was upon 20 marks. I guess those papers which had marks lesser or at 20 lets me feel more at ease. Psychological problems of mine, I think. :P Ended punctually and I was confident!~ ^________^
Lol. Then had Chem. That Chiamster nagged at us because we came down late. What the heck?! Didn't Mr Lim say we have to wait for a relief teacher if any classes were supposed to go to any special rooms?! Damn it! Then did the experiment in pairs. So happy! Don't need solo it already. I think I got an 'A' because of Angeline as she was calm and prepared everything appropriately.. Got 'C' for my Crystals. But it's so nice! Why C?! I want complain!
Did something obscene in the canteen with Shi Ping and Steffi so I don't want to raise it up. Feel so paiseh de lor! Had Maths again. Found that Mr Hiew already in class starting to return the papers. HE REALLY SPORTS CAR SIA! 1 and a half hour finish marking 42 papers! =.= Li hai lor.. And yet again, another happy thing. Everybody passed their maths! Exhilarated and happy again. Mrs Ang was proud of us. As for the marks, shall not say others but! LI XUAN GOT 18! Lost 4 marks because of my dumb careless mistakes. Shit!
Another chance lost to get full marks. My 4 marks! T_T Well, at least I passed. ^____^ Had english and boring~ Didn't have Art Club.. Rachel say one.. So... YAY!! Quatret happiness within 1 day! Having tests might not be as bad as I thought. xD
Ok, that's all. (Finished watching Sakura. Somehow I feel that she should be with Eriol because he looks much more cuter than Syaoran. But who cares?! At least Kero-Chan is still as cute as ever! ;D ) Bye for real! Update tomorrow.. Waking up at 6.30am to do e-learning with Reb and Li Xuan.. Crazy right? -.-
BYE! ;)
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