Friday, January 25, 2008
OMGOMGOMG!! I am so dead, man! I just died this afternoon and another 2 coming up next wednesday. -.- Even if I do have 9 lives like cats, it would be used up in just a single week. Imagine that.. So damn suay if it really was true. =.=
Ok, so started the day with standard forms. Moderately easy. I got the hang of that Indices yesterday at home while I was revising! But I just screwed everything up the moment Mr Hiew came in and handed down the papers to us. Zzz.. Stressful as usual.. I was still aiming for about 30+.. -.- A1 ma.. All other papers scored quite well. All was a total of 20 marks for each paper. But weirdly, for those papers which had marks above 20, I'm bound to fail.
Can't believe I really screwed it up! Lucky it was just a test, though it was counted in CA. T_T Must buck up for my common test next week! Lucky managed to finish that Simultaneous question or my 4 marks would have flown away. Think I won't be getting even a C! =.=" Let's not talk about that. Makes me feel worse than ever.
So, during Biology.. Copied notes and that Ms Ng was again, slow. Was it because our class kept on bugging her for more extra information or was she just too elaborative? O.o She managed to drag the subject for half an hour. Ok, so there goes.. LOL! Then she said that the Cell Wall was FULLY permeable. Practically, Reb thought that permeable=cannot pass through, which was sadly wrong and I was right because I double-confirmed with Ms Ng.. MUAHAHAHA! So permeable = can pass through. :D ^___^ I could have understood her meaning if I knew what permeable meant. -.- Noob me.. So the carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuses in and out of the plant cell through both the cell wall and cell membrane in the plant cell. GOT IT! :)
Have to start studying for Biology tomorrow and chiong my Eldest book. Yippee! Next week got E-learning! But still got CCA on Wednesday. -.-" Stupid teachers! I want slack also cannot. Meanies.. :( Anyways, I want to go search for a new pair of school shoes at either AMK or Toa Payoh. Don't want go Grandma house tomorrow! T__T It's boring there! I rather face maths for 1 whole night than to go there and bore myself the whole night.. =.="
Just watched Sakura's 2nd movie. Felt like it was quite long after I last watched it. Quite nice, I like the ending alot. Sakura and Syaoran.. MATCHED-MADE IN HEAVEN!! :DD ( Just like William and Li Xuan. Oh yeah, talking about them.. During Bio, I forgot what happened but Xiu Yi suddenly said something like, "William and Li Xuan.. OOOO.." Something like that. LOL! Li Xuan blushed immediately! You could see the effect clearly! Then she tried to escape from it and said that it was hot. But she couldn't because Karen laughed at her. xD Poor thing, but sweet couple. ;D )
So after school, dragged time because I didn't want to go to Art Club so quickly.. The later, the better. Actually I guess, Dance might be even better than Art. Since I don't have that talent and those Seniors from Dance told me to join when we were going through that CCA trail thingy. =.= But must perform and I've like got stage fright. Maybe let's just take it that I didn't say anything. LOL! Then, I and Reb were waiting for most of the classmates to leave the class.. When almost half were out, we stuffed our Chem file under the book shelf.. Where it wasn't even obvious! Learnt from Li Xuan's closest kin. xD LOL!
Got caught by Fiona and she was screaming across the class.. >.< Then everyone turned and looked at me and Reb. So paiseh lor! And William asked why we learn from him the bad things instead of the good ones. Then the girl said, "You got anything good to be learned from meh?" LOL! Damn funny.. And I was like laughing away.. :D Went to eat and had Art Club..
Bla bla.. Normal art day. Sian.. Went home.. Watch shows, use comp till now and slack! Tomorrow Saturday leh! Time to take a break from all those tragedies in school for the week. I have like tests for maths every wednesday! So, I think Wednesday shall be my freaky nightmare day. -.- Maybe it was for the whole class.. =.= Serves us right for having extraordinary brains. I think in this way, those other classes one cleverer than us liao. Walao.. Shi Ping, Steffi, Zi Xuan, Korin, Qian Ying they all so clever! -.- I'm dumb nia. =.= Stupid me!!!!!
I think it's quite appropriate for me to use, ' shooting myself in the toes '. -.- Ok, that's all. Don't talk already. Tired le. Bye! ;)
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