Saturday, January 26, 2008
Weee~~ Finally had sufficient sleep after those long 5 days waking up at 6am. -.- But I'm still facing a book right now because there is a Bio test on Monday. Want to get a good grade for it! :D Since that Ms Ng said that her teaching was really great or something. =.= ( She always self-promote, I guess. To other students also. xD )
Changed a new blogskin, as you can see, and it is soooo cute! :) Fits my feeling and my love for rainbows. ^__^ And added new songs. That Sakura one.. Ok, I know it's quite weird or sounds funny at the chorus, but it's seriously nice!~ ;) So let's just appreciate it.. Went back into that 'Sakura' craze again. :P I think I'll go watch the movie again. xD
Oh yeah! I told Shippy that we won't be facing books again during weekends but we still did in the end. -.- Because during recess yesterday, we were studying for Maths test and we were studying everywhere we go and while walking. I guess, she was a little pissed off and asked us if we could stop studying. Sorry lah, Shi Ping! xD No choice, because we have like so many tests in a week, bo bian.. xP
Ok, don't talk liao. Going to watch shows le. SAKURA! ^________^ I want watch that episode where Syaoran confessed to her. Ha ha ha.. So sweet. Ok, bye! Update when I want! ;)
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