Thursday, January 31, 2008
Yeah yeah.. Woke up at 6.15am and SMS-ed Li Xuan and Reb.. Now I know why Reb's mum replied.. Because I messaged to the wrong handphone. Blur me.. Now I know why, should just keep mum about that.. So paiseh de lor.. -.-
Ok, did Chem homework and E-learning. Finished up SS, P.E and English.. I LEFT MY BIOLOGY BOOK IN SCHOOL!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO MY HOMEWORK!! Die le lor.. -.- Must go and copy from Reb and Li Xuan on Monday. The New Year week and I have to copy homework instead of studying for my Chem and SS test. -.- Stupid me!
Sian.. I think I'll just off comp and head back to bed since there's nothing much I can do now. Will do language, maths and physics tomorrow. Must ask teacher about that Logarithm.. Don't even know what the heck it's talking about. Even the simplest sum of all, I can't do because the answer I got was like, weird? O.o Anyways, I am bored stiff at home! Seems like a busy day in school is much better than being cooped up at home with mum burning those incense.
*Cough* Smoky in here.. Ok don't type already. Can't take that much smoke anymore. You never know what burning smoke might cause to your body! Bye! ;)
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