Wednesday, January 23, 2008
T_T I feel so disgraced and miserable about my stupid Maths test! Stupid stupid stupid!!! -.-
Had Geog.. Ms Lim said she wants to postpone the test from tomorrow to next week! YAY!! But nonetheless, she still insisted on giving a quiz tomorrow. So I guess, I still have to take a glance and flip through the papers for revision. But there were still some questions I want to ask. Never mind, leave it for tomorrow then! :)
Had a lesson of Bio and started on a new chapter. Weee~~ Movement of substances.. Didn't we learn that in Sec 2 or even Sec 1? It was quite simple.. Diffusion and osmosis are the main subjects.. Shouldn't be quite a big problem for me to cope with, as usual, I think. ( There's going to be Bio test next Monday and I think I'm going to flung it with flying colours. -.-" )
Then I thought was Chem. But was MATHS!! Mr Hiew was punctually outside the class, as usual, again. And the moment he appeared, the whole class went into a chaotic situation. The girls were prowling like injured kittens and the guys were shouting loudly in the class.. =.= Then he came in, TA DA! Test time! -.- The last question was quite easy but I didn't believe myself and I went to change the answer!! Stupid me! I lost 1 mark on it and another on careless mistake at the Matrix! Let's not talk about it.. Hurts my heart.. =.="
Had Chem and was boring. Had homework.. But managed to finish it after school. Hee hee... YAY!! Recess!! Went to stuff and gorge myself with food.. xD Ok, so there was A LOT of people at Uncle Tiong but only his food could satisfy my crave.. HA HA! Went to cut queues with Elena and Shi Ping. Found Loong Guat. ( Sorry Loong Guat! Didn't mean to bully you. You're a nice and good person, so be kind to me! :D Apology to him because Syahid said I bullied his best friend. -.- Where got lor! Lol.. Ok a little lah. I admit is my fault also. xD )
Had Maths.. Mr Hiew managed to mark all the test papers within 1 and a half hour! OMG! Is he really a sports car? O.o How much oil does he need a day, I wonder.. Lol.. Got 15 marks. Unexpectedly.. Still thought I might only score 13 which was the same as Elena. Well, at least it was A1! Li Xuan got FULL MARKS! And Reb, 16. Haiz.. Still wanted to get either a full mark or 17. But those 2 careless mistakes caused me my 2 marks.. T_T Lucky tuition teacher said it was still not bad. ^___^ So happy..
Had english and was boring and hilarious at the same time. Joshua seems to hate Mrs Ang.. Maybe because she keeps picking on him and made him write an essay. After school, he came and showed us his essay and asked for our opinions. BOY! You could say that he was Qian Ying's friend because his writing is so small even I have trouble reading it. Much less to those Cambridge teachers that are going to mark our scripts in 'O' levels.. xD
Went to do our Chinese project. Was a half success and failure too.. Then went home at 4. Made it just in time. Was still hoping that 162 would come at the same time, and it coincidentally did! =) Destined for me.. Quite a good day though.. :D
Ok, that's all. I'm going to do some serious business.. Bye! ;)
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