Saturday, January 12, 2008
I'm feeling moderately happy and sad too.. :(
Yesterday had CCA.. So happy managed to skipped it by half an hour! ^___^ Drew a series of designs for the theme 'Revolution'.. I think we all mixed up the meaning of 'Revolution' to 'Evolution'.. So does revolution = evolution?? o.O Complicated.. -.-
Then that Mrs Singh let us off 15 mins earlier! Weee~~ Didn't go take bus with Rach because she needed to go to her grandma's house.. That Korean girl which transferred to our class was... Sticking to Rachel to whole time? That's the only thing I can say.. But she seemed quite nice, though I'm not close with her.. Neither did Esther and the rest talk to her much. We kind of neglected during Art Club... =.=
Reached home at 5pm++.. Mum was still at home.. Then was feeling quite ok, so went out with her to meet with Dad at J8 for dinner.. Took my own sweet time there.. xD When we reached, I told them I wanted to go to the library to check out for that 'Eragon' book.. Somehow interested in it recently.. :D
Used that comp to search for it much more easily.. Didn't want to believe it because I really NEED that book. -.- Desperate for it, I guess... So, it was located at Location Y at the Young Adults' section but... Where the heck is it? =.=" Went around level 1 and 2 but can't find. Almost gave up but didn't in the end.. -.- Took the lift to the 4th floor because they said Young Teens' area.. Though it wasn't 'Adults'.. Zzz... Saw this Fiction corner and walked in a circle around it as the bookshelf was circular.. Searched for PAO since the author's name was Christopher Paolini.. xD K, then walked, walked and FOUND!! Saw 3 of it sia!
Damn comp.. Still say all were on loan.. -.- Lucky never believe it lah! Then searched for the best of the best.. xD Meaning the one which was in the best condition.. :P Walked to the lift and found out that it was Book 1.. Meaning that there were other books.. So ran back and searched for Book 2.. Found it.. Was Eldest.. -.- Much more thicker than the 1st one.. Zzz.. Think that it's the 2nd version of Harry Potter.. Another series of movie is coming out, I think.. Lol.. Heck care lah.. Went back to level 1 and loaned for the books.. xD So heavy lor!
That comp said my card had some errors and freaked me out!! -.- Lucky at last can le! ^_^ Went to have Chicken Rice.. Then shopped around.. Bought FeiLunHai's latest album.. I forgot to see whether it was Nan Ren version.. Lucky it was.. He he he.. ;D Then bought a notebook as my Diary.. Dad found it de.. So li hai! =)
Went home with new gains.. So happy!! But the most happy is that I managed to get the books I wanted.. 1 book costs about $50++, I think.. Those thick books are always expensive.. So lucky there's something called the Library.. xP
Currently stuck at page 190.. -.- I wonder if I could even reach 250 by tonight lor.. Still going to Grandma's house lah!! I don't want to go! T_T It's seriously boring there.. I also don't want to carry that fat book there... But sadly, searched in Youtube for the movie but it wasn't out yet.. Wonder why.. Thought the movie was out in about 2006/2007? So long also not out.. =.= So sad lor...
Anyone that is out there who knows anything about Eragon or has the disc, can lend me? ( To those that knows me and I also know you de.. :D )
Ok, stop here.. Go read le.. Bye! ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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