Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Sian! I've been skipping my opportunity to play comp recently... -.- Too tired le lah.. Stupid school.. =.=
Today had normal lessons and nothing special happened, except for picking up the books for Reb as she left it in her school locker last year. William can't find his own ones. So sad.. =( Maybe he might find his on Friday. Can only say good luck to him! :D
Then skipped Recess because of Reb and Elena, then Li Xuan. Decided to stay with them as Cybrary was closed and couldn't borrow 'Eragon'!! T_T So sad lah! Went back to class and saw William sitting beside Elena and doing Chem homework. So, the 6 205 members sat together in rows of 2 and columns of 3. :D Angeline was doing her Geography homework, I think.. And she was eating her sandwich, happily away~~ Envied her.. -.-
Forgot how long I never skipped Recess already. Anyways, stayed in class and did Chem homework together! Then was discussing halfway and Joshua popped out from nowhere and asked us for our answers. LOL! I think we were the ones asking him more than he asking us. xD Finally managed to finish it. Though Brandon was questioning Joshua's answers.. xD We, as the audience, was laughing away because their 'argument' seriously was funny and quite out of the point in some ways. xD
Then lessons went on~~ Till English... -.- Mrs Ang took photos of us, INDIVIDUALLY!! OMG she is totally INSANE! Damn embarrassing in front of the whole class lah! I prefer taking outside the class lor! -.- Lucky it was just a quick one. Had an Oral Test and classes were over! Weeee~~ Went to the locker and man, there was SO many people squeezing there. Lily was sitting there opening her lock slowly.. Did she buy a new lockpad or something? But incredibly I opened immediately after she was opening it.. -.- Then I still had to tell her to excuse herself because there were too many people. -.-" And packed the books nicely.. Reb said it was nice and she kinda looked in awe.. ^__^
Headed to the Bus-Stop.. Steffi walked with me. Went to buy Tom Yam maggi. Nice nice!! ;D Bought some tidbits and went to take the bus. Going to watch shows in Youtube now.. Don't waste time blogging liao....
Blog when I'm free, occasionally.. :D Bye! ;)
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