Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year To All! Today's the first day of the the new year 2008! Wishing everyone the year ahead, be the best! :D
Well, leveled up just now. So did Steffi. Though she leveled before me. -.- Leveling in the first day of the new year. Means good thing, I guess. ;D Then added Thunderspear, hmmm.. The damage IS much better than level 1. But then again, it can't kill mobs at 1 hit. Haiz. Went to find Bain, but on the way, saw that Lady Boss at Parlor. Alot of pros were cornering her. All were of 4th jobs!
Then that Lady Boss looks fierce. Didn't die. Heng ar! Then no mp. So decided to buy 20 sundaes in case they might be needed someday. Ok, that's all.
Nothing much to write because I'm hungry now, and I need to eat!!
Bye! Once again, Happy New Year! ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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