Saturday, January 5, 2008
Sian! So damn tired these days, when it's just the first week of school reopen. -.-
Went back to school and teachers self-introduced themself. Didn't have much lessons that day. Mrs Ang was our Form/English teacher. Mr Neo is our Co-Form/Physics teacher. But he is only in charge of our SPA. xD Sounds quite wrong right? xP
Then Ms Ng is our Biology teacher. Interesting. The one that has difficulties prononucing certain words. (As told by Reb! =P) Mr Hiew, the E/A maths teacher. Gave us surprise test the first lesson he came in. And he still said it was a form of understanding us. Through maths? -.- Don't make up excuses lah.. I think I just died in the hands of his test. =.= I don't know who the Chemistry teacher is because I missed lesson the next day. My Chinese teacher is, neh, that guy lor. xD LOL! I don't know the name of his english name lah. So, it's just that guy lor! xD In 308 for chinese. =) Same as Esther, Li Xuan, Elena and Zi Xuan. ^_^
Missed the lessons for the whole day because I had to go and help out for Art Club's things. Preparations for that CCA Trail for those Sec 1s lor. -.- Waste my time sia. But seriously I don't know if it was a good or bad thing. Good is because I don't have to bring so many books to school as there were A LOT of lessons that required those thick thick books. Reb and the others brought the books till they said they wanted to die. xD On the other hand, if I were to waste time at Art Club just assisting them, I rather go and study as usual because 309 is NO ordinary class. -.- 3 science, 2 maths. How to cope, dude? (No offence to others!) But at least Locker is coming next week! ^____^
Copied a whole lot of things from Reb and Li Xuan because of that 'missing lessons' issue on Thursday. Poor me and Rachel! T_T K, then copied maths and some others I forgot. THEN! A new timetable was given. I wonder why, but never mind, who cares? Well, even if anyone does, it's not me! :D Saw my maths results. K, I failed it. -.- Let's not talk about it, since 21 people failed it. Or was it 31? O.o
Then was packing school bag in the evening to get ready for Monday because I don't want to do it at the last minute. Zzzz.. While checking the Timetable, I 'cleverly' found out that there were 3 sciences on Monday all packed up. -.- Shyt lah.. 8 books sia! Die le lah! :( Li hai lor. Until recently then found out. Now I'm still thinking how to carry all those damn books to school. xD Lucky Mrs Ang allowed us to dump some books under the table, so I dumped 4 books. ;D
Those science one cannot dump there. All cost so expensive. If it gets lost, I die. =.=
As for today, well, yet another sleepy day lor. Reached school at 6.45am. What the heck?! Why did I even take such an early bus? I thought I took the later one. Zzz.. Anyways, met up with Rachel and went to sit at the 'sitting area' at the corner while waiting for the committees to open the Art Room door. And started the day with doing donuts. Finally got the hang of it but, it's the last time I'm going to do it for like, half a month? -.- I'm so lag lah!
Then sold those donuts we made. Earned $70++ but didn't recope the money we spent on the clays. Wasted lah. But since it's Mr Lim's money, then I might not feel bad. xD Went to Sumo House and had Udon. Nice sia! Though the Udon is like so fat and I eat it 1 by 1. xD Esther had the same as mine and Rachel had a Chicken Terriyaki! =D Lunch is settled!
Reached home at about 3pm+. Now playing comp because there seriously, is nothing to do. I bet I won't be playing computer for about a week already. But weirdly, don't feel sad. I'm matured le! =D LOL! Guess those subjects really made me tired. Hmmm.. Might be staying back in school for almost everyday because of a few uncertainties in some subjects. (Got spelling errors ma?)
Sian lah! People can go home at 1.30pm on Monday and Thursday. We have to stay back and study till 2pm! -.- I think I didn't consider about this factor when I chose to appeal to 309. xD Ok, I still can accept this because I already accepted the fate that I got into 309. BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!! PEOPLE CAN GO HOME AT 12PM+ ON FRIDAY BUT WE HAVE TO STAY TILL 2PM!! WTH! I'm really sad. T_T There goes a few hours in class. On friday, I saw others in the same level leaving already. But, we are stuck in that classroom with the teacher.
Should I feel honoured? After all, we are 309 students. xP Ok, then CCA was changed to Friday at 2pm. YES! Then can skip the 1st half an hour because I and Rachel have to study till 2pm. Was granted permission from Mr Lim that we can go for our lunch immediately after our lessons. :D At least there is still a Wednesday that can let me return home early at 12+. Better than nothing. =.="
I'm quite tired liao. Feel like sleeping after a day of studying. Must revise repeatedly everyday to get the best results, I think. Said 1 of the teachers. -.- Oh ya! Our SS teacher is Mr Goh. xD Can't imagine sia. Head of the SS department, something like that. Then also the Discipline Master. Thought he was going to be super fierce during the first lesson with us. But surprisingly, he was nice and joked with us! Unlike when he kept putting on that stern face in front of everybody during Flag-Raising. xD
I enjoyed his lessons a lot. So I guess, I might like him after every lesson! =D He seriously is nice ma!
K, tired le. Want off comp liao. Write when I'm free. But sure that it's gonna be quite long later. ;)
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