Thursday, December 6, 2007
Ok, this gotta be a short one, rushing out to have a dinner.
Finally, today's my birthday! Weee~~ Reb and LCD wished me happy b'day. So happy. Ha ha ha.. Then played Maple and chionged till 60%. Went to do the Orbis Rock Scroll quest. So sad, Reb pangseh-ed me and went up and do her quests. I helped her yet she did that to me. Felt so bad.
Then Amos leveled to 70 and said still must waste money to take ship to Orbis. Steffi added in that he was so rich. And she still said, ' Unlike me, actually got 15m now only have 13m'. That implied to me lor. I know she's really mad at me for selling the kage back to her, but hello? I bought a Magicodar liao and you said that I could sell it back to you that time when I bought it from you! And it's like your Kage, I still need to sell it back to you after I use liao. -.-"
Then logged out. Later going out with parents to Swensens at Thomson! Weeee~~~~~ Long time never go le. Let's forget about the unhappy events, although it kinda bothers me. Lol. Ok bye!
Update when I level up tomorrow. Oh! There's tuition tomorrow too! Haiz.. :(
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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