Saturday, November 24, 2007
Today is such a fine and bright day! Ok, now let's get serious. Lol..
Decided yesterday that I should buy cash today because, I just simply can't wait to wear the things! Just saved enough to buy it. Looks like I've to save money again. Going out with Aunty later. She is going to the Bishan Market whereas I'll be heading to 7-eleven.
Played Maple with Steffi, and didn't train much. We went to do the 'Rice Cookie' Quest because it's really easy to do, though it's really irritating to walk back and forth around. Entered cash shop due to boredom and bought a 'Owl of Minerva' so that I can buy scrolls for my pet to walk faster. (Well, it's for me to walk faster in fact. =x)
There was a scroll for 100% and a scroll of 60% so I searched for the 60% one, because it adds 2 speed instead of 1. Cool. Then bought 5 altogether. 55k.. 1 for 11k. Quite cheap though, since I've got so much money to spare..Lol! 2 failed and 3 successful. So in total, I had 8 extra speed. The other 2 came from Steffi's scroll because she had some problems that time and I used it for her. Ha ha!!
Ok, that's all folks. (Still very excited that I got into 309! The mood is still within me.. (: ) Bye bye for now! ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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