Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Hi again! Paiseh a few days never update already. Hee hee.. Was chionging Maple as usual.
Well, leveled up yesterday. Finally 76 le! A few more levels and I'm even pro-er! Ha ha. :D Made 200 rice cookies everytime at Orbis Tower before heading to Ludi and completing it. Now I have too many Ludi Warp capsules and I'm not even sure what to do with it. -.-"
Anyways, Steffi said she was going to level up today. Must say that she really chionged fast. Maybe because as her senior, I chiong, so she chionged as well. But the only difference is that she levels every 2 days whereas for me, 3. =.= Not fair! Why must pro people train even harder! HMMMPH!! :(
Then Ice Strike currently level 19 le. Weeee~~ I replaced Thunderbolt with it because it's like so noob and it can't ks. Now really can 1 hit ko those nooby monsters le. Yay!
Bought a Kage from Steffi. LOL! I mean like, I know it's quite early la, but, can't wait ma. He he he.. ;) And went to check my shop if there were any purchases or whatever. Turned out that the time kinda ended and must claim the stuffs from that Fred guy. Changed spot to Room 11. And I didn't find anything sold. But upon claiming the mesos, and pressing inventory, I saw 23m!! OMG!
Recalled that I didn't see my Angel Wings. Lol! Someone bought it at 5m. Rich le lor! =)) So happy.. 2m more and I'll go visit the hog. But that time I tried, it failed again. Quite scared that I might see the poor piggy die again. Haiz...
Let's hope that everything goes well when I go protect it. Ha ha ha!! ;D Just now chionged till 40%. It's getting harder and harder to train. Or maybe was it my tummy that was distracting me? Who cares la?! Just managed to hit my daily target. So if I really DO train 40% a day, 3 days sure level de. Cookie quest ends on the 17th of this month and I calculated that, if I train 40% a day, just perfect level 80 a day before it ends! Hee hee hee. But not sure if it'll get really hard to train, so there might be a change in plans.
Ok don't talk liao. The pizza seems kinda burned or something like that. Bye! =) Might only update when I level, OR when there's a happy event. Bye bye! ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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