Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Woot~ Yet another happy day! Managed to guess why I'm happy? I bet not! Ha ha ha.. :D
Leveled up again! Leveled up once every 2 days is better than 3 days. But it's getting harder and harder to train le. Haiz.. Steffi and Reb are all catching up and if I don't chiong, maybe Steffi will become my Senior liao. Lol!
Anyways, played with Reb in the morning and met a girl. She said she's a fan of Fahrenheit and she likes Wu Zun. Lol.. Then she asked whether want buddy anot. No harm! Then added her and I continued chionging my 200 cookies. After that, a noob level 47 cleric came and intended to ks me. Although he managed to, he didn't get any ingredients. Serves him right! ;D
Then that girl said why don't we go ks him. He he he.. Cheekiness erupted and, ha ha, that cleric got ksed dao~~. He still dare ask for pt. LOL! XD He forgot what level he is and he still ksed me. Now still want pt with us.. =P
Finished quest and returned to Ludi and complete all quests. Trained another 12% and leveled up in front of my bro, the Manager Karl. (: Went to get the key and open the box for the devil scroll because my bro gave me a devil scroll. Got a scroll for Cape for MP. Used it on my cape. He he he.. Scrolled 2 times le! ;)
Then walked back to Orbis and trained till 0.8% on the way and logged out at Pot Shop. Bored now, so making that Pizza again. Cheese one is nice! Next time buy Hawaiian and Cheese jiu hao le. That Seafood one, not so tasty since I dun like those pepper thingy on top. XP
Ok, the oven is calling me to check it out. Bye! Might train to 10% later! ;D
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