Friday, November 30, 2007
Ok.. This is just a short blug entry about the recent happenings. Quite rush for time now.
Practically, just trained Maple everyday at Ludi and Omega. Made a target yesterday that I wanted to hit 70% by today, or at least 55%. But I didn't even know that I really COULD hit that goal and you know, I just trained an additional 4% with Steffi at Omega just now. Later tonight I think I'm going to train for at least another 2% so, in total should be 76%?
That is quite a lot for a day. I thought those who could level up quickly were seriously Maple addicts, but looks like that Cookie quest wasn't as simple as I thought. Really was a great help to me! So tomorrow I'm going to level up and take my Dark Ritual! Woot~ Can look at the damage it makes and my ice strike is getting stronger and stronger, level by level. :)
Going out for dinner with my parents later since I'm not going to play comp until 8pm. Wonder where we're going. Because we're going out, I'm rushing for time in case Dad calls anytime now.
Ok, have to go, for real! Bye! ;) Update tomorrow about my level!~~ :D
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