Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It was such an exciting 'adventure' yesterday! (:
Ok.. Met up with Rachel on the bus to J8 and get a birthday present for Xue Qi. She gave me my birthday present in advance!! So nice lah.. Got a....Lol..It's a secret. ;) Went to Action City and bought the gift and headed to the MRT and waited for that slow Steffi.
Took the train to Orchard and walked to KBox. Cool~~ There was 1 particular poster that caught my eye. The Fahrenheit one, of course! Lol.. They had signatures on it. So I guess they REALLY went to that KBox before. Well, waited for that guy to serve us and the 'waitress' led us to Room 23. (:
Sang many songs including singers like Fahrenheit, Rainie, S.H.E, Lollipop and many more. The one I enjoyed most was 'Chu Shen Ru Hua' because we sang it like 3 times! I and Rachel were singing the fast part then upon reaching the part where they say, '你說' for like 6 times, Steffi said the remaining lines. So fun! Then the both of them kept taking the guy parts, especially Steffi. But when they sing Rainie's songs, their voice broke..XD Then they could sing well, but after awhile, when we sang F.I.R's songs again, it was back to normal.
After that at bout 6pm+, our voices were not really able to be heard already. LOL!! And returned home later.
And finally for today, *sigh* Maple's patching again. It's introducing the 4th job which is like, nothing special for me. But something more exciting is that, I can catch a hog and ride on it!! Ha ha.. That should be fun. =) But while doing the quest, you need to 'contribute' 20m!! That is like so 'wow'! So I guess I might get one after level 80. -.- But I wonder when I would even be at that level.
Ok, bye! That's all for now. ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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