Friday, November 23, 2007
Wow.. Today is such a long, exciting and also sad day. So it's time to write another composition already! :D
So, woke up at about 8.30 and played Maple till 10 plus and watched Kids Central! Yay!! Ben 10 is so nice. Ha ha ha.. ;) Then got ready to go to school. Reached at about 12.30 and headed to the Staff Room to view the Appeal Results. There was a paper which had written : Appeal Results are to be taken from the General Office on the 23rd. Something like that.
Walked back to the General Office and asked that Corporate Support Officer person to get my results. She searched for my name in the pile of 205 papers. Didn't find my name in the stack. I thought my appeal was unsuccessful because it wasn't found. Then the aunty looked again at the stacks, she saw my name. Yay!! 2 papers stapled together means that it's successful! Ha ha ha.. And guess what, I did! =)
I thought I heard something wrong or the aunty said something. She said that, 'Wei Ting ar.. There's a high chance'.. Is she a psychic? She even knew it! Lol..But who cares?! I got into 309!! Ha ha ha.. Don't need be same class with others le.. Weee~~ :) Contacted Mum, Dad, Rebecca, Rachel and SMSed Steffi. Lala~~ So happy.
Can't really imagine if I really didn't get into 309 then what would I do. But, that's not a problem anymore. Hmm.. What am I going to do now? I'm dead meat! Last in class is my position.. -.-" *Headache*
Anyways, headed to McDonalds and had my lunch. Shared a table with a lady and she talked to me. She said that she was an ex-Deyi student. o.O Can't believe it. So chatted with her for awhile and met up with Steffi.
Looked around for jobs but to no avail. Why do they not hire students? It's not like ALL students cannot be trusted. Wanted the job at the CD shop badly but, that lady don't recognise me. If she did, maybe she might change her mind and hire me instead. Ha ha.. (:
Then went to the arcade with Steffi. She said her money was 'eaten' by the machine because of some problems. She blamed the aunty and the machine. Lol.. Then walked to the bus-stop and what do you know, 162 came just behind. So lucky..
Just played Maple with Steffi, but I'm like, lagging badly!! My lucky day was exchanged by Maple and job de luck. Lol.. Trying to go in again later. See if it's lagging again.
(Steffi is like so overjoyed because her appeal failed. What is so good about triple maths? I think I'll die if I got into those subjects. Ha ha ha! But she happy then can le. :D So excited today. Ha ha!!)
That's all for today. Ok, gotta go le. Bye! ;D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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