Saturday, February 12, 2011
I wonder if i'm efficient or that i'm just assuming that i am efficient.
But either way, i'm done with memorising for PACC. Shocking, i know. It just took me 5hours and i'm still questioning myself whether it's in my head for good.
Besides, the headache i had while studying earlier today, probably due to sleep-deprivation these days, wasn't exactly helping. Not appreciating that very much, but on the other hand, still glad that my brain decided to cooperate with me and managed to cram as much stuffs in as possible.
I think the talisman thingy worked.
Plus, i completed the exam paper she gave us for lecture ! Yay ! Minus the 1hr i took just to comprehend one of the entries and i still haven't gotten it figured out till now, but whatever.
Parents aren't home and it's 1130pm already.
I mean, usually they'd be in bed by this time, thanks to my dad literally forcing my mum to sleep when he dozes off.
It feels quite weird. And awkward around the house..?
I would have accompanied them to go to my relative's house. Thanks but no thanks, it has to be that particular relative that i like the least. I'd rather stay at home and be bored to death than to look at her face and tolerate her attitude with a fake smile on my face.
My heart skipped a beat when i saw there was a light flickering on the floor when i headed to my parent's room.
It was just the fire.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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