Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tetris, the all-time favourite. In the past.
Saw my mum playing it, so i decided to "steal" it from her for awhile.
I'm becoming a noob at it. Lack of practice, not my fault.
This is the second childhood electronic gadget i came across, that's still existing in my house. The previous one was the electronic laptop that i spent 30mins playing.
Wonder if i could dig out even more "treasures" from the storeroom.
Anyways, though this is a very cheap device, as you can see from its apperance, but i literally grew up playing it so i guess that means i'm a cheapo.
I still like it though.
To me, it has a higher value than PSPs.
I'm old.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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