Monday, November 15, 2010
I like to lie to myself that i'm perfectly fine by downing a cup of Coke.
This sucks.
There'll always be weird dreams, actually more like nightmares the day before i run a temperature. Maybe i should take note of such things more. Or does it happen to everyone ?
Anyways, i hope the pill works and that i'm up and about by tomorrow.
Thanks to my immune system that's so powderful, i didn't have the mood to finish watching SHINee on 100% entertainment.
& yes, i missed AFA. Since there's no Allen, i guess it really doesn't matter.
I think.
Just when i thought things might slow down, it speeds up and i can feel the stress already.
Life is so (Y), isn't it ?
Should turn in early to celebrate how great life is.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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