Monday, September 27, 2010
Okay whatever, different people do things differently. That's what makes us, well, different.
I guess i just couldn't figure out what some people are thinking, so i end up judging them against my own "criteria" and feeling that their actions are equivalent to, retarded.
That's like a bad thing since i should be minding my own business than to poke my nose into theirs.
Though it's not entirely my fault when they talk to me about their "plans".
Anyways, i've got tons of things i could have said in rebuttal now, but it'll be wiser to just shut my mouth than ruin it all.
I don't think everyone understands "Honesty is virtue" to the fullest extent yet. They still prefer bootlicking, from what i see.
Sometimes i feel like asking people if they'd rather i start a whole mass of 拍马屁ing or just stick to giving my most honest comments.
One thing in life ;
You can never make everyone satisfied.
Totally proves my point why i don't belong in where i am, right now.
They're a bunch of freaks that likes to mug, do maths, science and think logically that is beyond what i can accomplish.
It gets stressful when they start asking you if you wanna participate actively in something.
I know i should be grabbing onto any opportunity to "display" my "talents" at this time, but sorry, i'm more towards the "heck care" side than "pick me, pick me !".
Not really looking forward to that part of school. But i guess this is what they call trying to make each student excel in their own way.
Categorised under "bullshyt".
If that's the case, then i guess i'll try and delay things as late as possible.
But seriously,
are they psychics or what.
This is freaking me out, wth.
"If i meet an alien, i will definitely be scared at first, but after awhile when i get to know it, i will consider how to send it back home." - Jonghyun
JHified ♥!
He better continue learning Chinese so i can converse with him. :D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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