Saturday, August 14, 2010
This is definitely true. It's not an act of coward.
Okay, i'm actually 逃避-ing from things, but since 改变不了别人,就改变自己。
Those ignorant fools, it'll be a waste of time for me to attempt to clear things up, so i might as well stand at the side and be aware of things going around, but act as if i have no idea at all.
Not like i want to be this mean, just that when those people have brains like they don't have any, and you can't change them, all you're left with is trying to change yourself in order to accommodate them.
I must clarify that i'm not so noble as to change myself entirely just to suit them.
They aren't even worth my time doing that. Besides, even if i did, the results are usually the same.
So at the end of the day, i would have wasted my own time, changing myself, and still, failing in everything. Stupid right. No logic at all.
What i meant about "change", was that you change the way you behave around them.
Example, if they are a bunch of idiots that only blames others but never themselves, then all you have to do is listen, 暗笑 and think how brainless they are, and treat as if nothing happened and continue with life.
This is much more efficient than trying to counsel them that they were the ones at wrong.
It's quite brainless to be explaining things to brainless people. You're just stooping down to their levels. 简直就是对牛弹琴。
So yes, currently, i'm not going to be any good guy, since i've had enough. & good guys usually dies first. Harsh reality, but true. Everything we do, we're asking for benefits, advantages, and rewards.
If you want to be self-sacrificial, contribute back to society, be my guest. The society needs some idiots to do that anyway. I don't have that capabilities to do that just yet. I'll consider in the future, when i have that power.
Hence, instead of solving problems, i'll leave it there to rot. Rot until maybe someday, those people might realise they are the ones to be blamed, and not others. Vague hope though.
Rather than having massive inputs and getting no outputs, might as well save that energy and don't even bother providing those inputs.
Running away from problems, does help. Just depends on the situation.
Did some analysing with my parents, and they agreed with me too. HEH.
Well, at least they're supportive even though the words "逃避" sounds very no-guts. But in these times, it's the best way.
YAY, my own problems are solved. :D
逃避, the key to success. HAHAA !
We tend to look at things and perceive it that way, just from the very first impression.
Yes, that's what we usually call, judging a book by its covers.
& sometimes, we think that certain things aren't there. But in actual fact, it has always been there, all along.
Point is, humans always fail to see into things, always stopping just at the surface.
Sounds like an ostrich that buried its head in the ground in the face of problems right ?
I hope i don't stop at the surface. Because you never know what you might have missed out if you saw into things, deeper.
Gain more experience, knowledge, and perhaps, become less 浮浅。
Note : 肤浅 and 浮浅 are different. HAHAA !
Been having weird dreams lately. Must be getting edgy about the month. :x
It's just retarded. Don't even know if i'm supposed to be scared or something. -.-
Okay, off to slack awhile more before starting on memorising.
But i guess with my great procrastination skills, i might start memorising while watching YOG opening.
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