Saturday, August 14, 2010
Didn't manage to see any shooting stars. Fml.
Been looking forward to this from who knows how long, and now, i didn't see anything except for some small stars hiding behind the bunch of big-sized, meanie clouds.
I am NOT going to miss the next meteor shower, ON THE EXACT DATE.
Wtf, one day does make a difference. Even if miracles dies on me, i will reduce it to its minimal !
Damn, still feeling rather duped about it. ZZ.
They said they saw quite a lot of shooting stars. Me ? None. Feel like jumping into the sea.
Even when i said it's okay to wish upon a plane, it's not really THAT okay.
It's like a retard finding alternatives in hope of keeping their dreams alive.
I think wishing on the planes might just cause them to crash. Shouldn't be so karmatic.
So, if i missed the next one, I AM A PIG, DONKEY, KOALA BEAR, DOLPHIN, whatever.
Bottom line : I'm not missing it. REMIND ME !
Felt like screaming yesterday, but it's not that nice, plus 7th month. Some things are better left undone for the time being.
& the weather took a turn for the worst, with thunder and lightning. Freaking scary. ZZ.
Wanted to attempt to walk to the end. But i still feel too exposed under the sky.
Just in case the lightning decides to test its voltage on me, i could only watch under the tree. ): Anyways, despite it being rather freaky, it's still kinda cool.
Streaks of lightning across the sky, blinding your sight in that instant, followed by thunder. Maybe i might find more courage when i've decided that i have nothing to lose and could die at that moment.
Not now though, not now.
Good thing was that the blasts of wind came blowing into our faces, it sorta helped regulate the stagnant air.
But not that nice when you have beads of sweat that were formed on your face, and got cooled down by wind, and causing it to stick there. Felt so sticky. Used to it though. Yah, sweating often does make a difference at times like this.
Originally decided to stay and see the sunrise. But since Rach wanted to go home, decided to head home then.
I hope i get to see the sunrise at least once in my life.
Fml, still say that i've been alive. Never even seen it before. ZZ.
Thanks, the 409 one was an epic fail without a compass.
Heading home earlier than expected, means no McDonalds breakfast. D:
Damn, now i'm feeling hungry.
Hungry = gastric, as usual.
5am in the morning, and you're asking me to go find potato chips to eat ?!?! -.-
Don't want eat maggi already. Been eating that quite often these days. I'll really go bald if i continue at this rate..
I should start consuming more carrots. Might just end up having night-blindness too.. -.-
Somehow, i've a gut feeling that there'll be tons of people joining Astro in the next sem.
Quite ironic. Because i still recall some people saying how retarded it is, and degrading it.
In the end ? They themselves aren't happy in their current CCAs, and are considering Astro. Joke.
I think i'll just head to bed without eating.
Desire to sleep exceeds the need to eat. Go on a diet, yeah. (Y)
Moreover, my room, for no apparent reason, feels so cooling ~ So shocked since it's usually actively participating in global warming instead of providing coolness to me. LOL !
& life seems like it'll be pretty boring after this week.
Just don't want to mug. But have to.
Just want to go out and play ~
Would it come true ? Guess not.
So what's the conclusion ?
1. Imma camp at ECP for the next 3years waiting for a meteor shower, until i've seen one, else i'd consider myself 白活.
2. I'll see at least ONE sunrise. If not, i'll be 365x白活.
3. I think i'll be concluded with 白活 either way, because it seems rather impossible with my luck now.
Let's hope my mum understands my perspective. Because she's no big fan of such things, and i guess she never will. My only hope would depend on my dad.
Trying to explain the meaning behind my actions is like asking me to vomit one bucket of blood.
You get the idea.
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