Wednesday, March 31, 2010
You know what ? I've had enough of your nonsense.
You'll most probably know that im talking about you if you're reading this and in fact, i cant care less since i sorta conveyed this message to you before already.
The thing that freaking pisses me off is the obvious difference between the reactions you give to me and, well let's call this person, A.
Yah, give me all those reasons about it, but you dont see yourself clear enough.
Call me being overly-sensitive, but it just makes my blood boil at the thought that you just continue to sink in even though you already knew right from the beginning that A wasnt good enough for you.
This aside, it's really irritating to know that A can actually make you change your mind towards certain things whereas those around you, can never make you move from your stubborn decisions.
So im telling you right here,
Like hell im going to care about you anymore.
The more i care, the more irritated and pissed i am.
I think i dont deserve this kind of torture because it's not my business and i shouldnt deserve such emotional torments since, like what i said, it's not my fucking business.
I think this is the best time to cool down in case this issue continues to threaten our friendship and it's definitely not worth severing our ties over some idiot.
I got stuck at home today. Damn bored. ):
But luckily, i had
However, the saddening thing is that i finished off another book today. D:
So now, im left with 3.
Wonderful. -.-
I guess this means another trip down to the library soon..? :P
& we were discussing about the plans to watch Wimpy Kid.
Pushed it to next monday.
Oh well, at least there are plans to watch it. ^^v
But i still have several other movies i want to watch. D:
Sadly, im broke.
I guess i'll have to spend the rest of the 12days cooping myself at home, facing books and my comp. :/
Tomorrow's April Fools' Day ! :D
Ok theoretically, it's 11.50pm now, so in less than 10mins time, it's April Fools' already. xP
Frankly, April Fools' isnt fun if you arent with your friends because most people pull tricks on you when you meet them.
And since i havent met my friends/coursemates, it just means that im not going to be fooled by anyone this year. :P
I guess to an extent, it's considered a relief. xD
Ok, the front part of this blog entry is more like ranting.
& it shouldnt be that way since this is the official 300th post. :D
I should be in the let's-open-a-few-bottle-of-champagnes-and-celebrate kinda mood. :x
& i almost forgot i had plans to attend SYF ! :O LOLOLs ! But i'll have to confirm that if Elena successfully gets her hands on the tickets. xP
I think i'll just continue sticking my nose into the book.
The only distracting thing is that, my stomach's already growling and protesting for a break. ):<
It's freaking irritating to have to ignore the hunger pangs since im totally lazy to get some food/there's no food at all !
I hope this stops when school starts because i cant afford to go hungry every night. -.=
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