Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Went to the library. :DD
Surprising thing was the companion i brought along with me.
Ok i made it sound like i brought a dog with me, but in actual fact,
it's my mum. :/
Shocking lah.
I wonder when was the last time i dragged her to the library already.
Must have been eons since she clearly had difficulties finding the books she wanted and i had to teach her. :x
I should probably bring her there again someday since she kinda liked the treasures she found there. xD
Borrowed 3 books, 1 for her.
That was a very noble act hor ! :P
Afterwards, went to order takeaway and went home.
Aww man, life sucks. :/
Seriously, im trying my best not to say that, but i just cant help it.
Supposedly, my plan was to head to Marina Square.
& then i have nobody to accompany me. )):
Going to buy sushi ingredients with Rach tomorrow. xD
So damn excited.
For picnic preparations, DUH !
Anyways, shocking news from Matthew, my coursemate.
We have a freaking Amazing Race during the 2nd day of orientation and im already dreading it. -.-
Ok, the good thing is that we have 5days of orientation.
Flag day on the 3rd day..?!
That's insane can ? -.-
& hell knows who im going to end up with in class.
Sad lah, i hope all those people i know are in the same class as me. DD:
Hmm, kinda tired already.
Must be insufficient sleep these days.
Weird, but im already having 9-10hrs of sleep per day.
What's happening to me ?! =.=
Talk less, sleep more.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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