Sunday, February 28, 2010
Just a quick post before i go on an 'adventure'. -.-
Yesterday went to YJC Funfair.
Actually i had no intentions of going but since Elena asked me and apparently, Rebby was going as well, i thought : Why not ?
& treat it as visiting most of the niners there as well. ^^
Reb's mum drove us to YJ. :P
The moment we found a parking lot, i saw ChaoNgin !~ :DD
It feels like years since i last saw her. ):
Freaking miss the crapping moments with her. T-T
Anyways, i ran towards ChaoNgin and i hugged her. Yah kinda weird. =.=
Then LiXuan came ! :DD
So i hugged her as well. :/
& let's see.. I hugged Natalie and LeeKeng as well, though im not really close to her.
But never mind. ;D
It was damn hot and stuffy there because there wasnt any ventilation. D:
But the stalls seemed interesting though we didnt spend much there. :/
Walked around the school.
& OMG !
Me and Elena were like, SHOCKED when ShengYao told us Jethro was wearing contacts, and to top it off, SOMEONE SAID HE IS SHUAI !!
Oh well, who knows, at this rate, he might just find his MrsStingy. :P
Kinda glad everyone's
Might not be able to say the same at the end of the year. :x
Miss them tons. T-T
Awhile later, nothing to do so reb's mum drove us home.
Thanks lots to her. ^^
It's going to be a busy busy day tomorrow. :/
Need to go for checkup + head to CPF board to clarify things.
Man, luckily all the places are near. Else, im going to die ! x.x
& im gonna bring my mum down with me as well. @.@
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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