Saturday, March 27, 2010
Great day today at MARINA BARRAGE ! :DD
The long-awaited picnic session has finally occurred ~
Met Rach, Steffi, ChaoNgin and XiuYi at AMK MRT station before heading to our destination. :)
Crapped on the way, as usual. xD
Upon reaching, we were like retards because we didnt know the way to go there. -.-
So in the end, we had to follow people to the bus stop since we didnt know which direction to go. :/
& we made quite a scene there. =.=
Why ?
Because when we found out that the next shuttle bus was coming in another half hr, all of us were freaking pissed since we were taking temporary shelter under a METAL busstop with the big sun hanging above. -.-
FYI : Metal conducts heat. Thanks a lot. =.=
There was this woman that asked me for directions to the MRT station.
I kindly gave her the direction, but she was freaking rude because apparently, i didnt hear her say THANK YOU. And if she really did, she must have been rude as well because she didnt know the need to speak LOUDER. =.="
At the busstop, we voted to take a cab. Ok mainly, it was me and XiuYi because i seriously cant stand the heat and the number of people standing under the same shelter.
When a cab came into view, XiuYi was so excited she walked out to hail it.
HOWEVER, the stupid woman that asked for directions, HAILED THE FREAKING CAB.
TMD. =.= She should go bang wall and die.
Obviously, i already told her where the MRT was and she still decided to NOT listen to my advice and spend $4 just to get to it, which was damn near.
Idiot. =.=
XiuYi was cursing when she came back to the busstop and i bet the entire group of people there were laughing at us. -.=
Luckily, another cab came and we hailed it. :P
Happily, we dumped the other group at the freaking stuffy busstop and headed to our destination ~
Marina Barrage was BEAUTIFUL.
Admired it, found a spot, set up our small little mat and began our picnic.
Couldnt wait because Natalie and Kurin would only reach at around 3pm. :/
Ate, chat.
Good weather, i meant, freaking hot.
Well at least it didnt rain or anything.
Sorta cloudy, but the sun was always in the sky and it was rather warm also.
When Kurin & Natalie finally came, continued our picnic and asked about one another's life.
Took pictures since ChaoNgin had lessons and had to leave. D:
Stupid girl. ):<
Later, continued eating before we started the official taking pic session. xD
Did tons of retarded poses, including unglam ones. xP
But then, it was super fun and we laughed a lot at one another. HAHAA. x)
I hope Rachel uploads the pic asap. Just cant wait. xP
Afterwards, continued chatting and looking at other people's kites flying/dropping/going in circles. ROFLMAO ! xD
Those who were there and witnessed it, would understand what i meant. xPP
Left when we finished most of the food and the sun was setting as well.
Took a few pics on the way back. xDD
Shuttle bus-ed back before MRT-ing.
Dont know if i should say 'jinx' or not. :/
Day ended like that.
Time seriously flies ~
Those in JC seems to be having a hard time coping.
I thought it was in academics that was a challenge.
Now that i know, it's even harder on those in prestigious JCs. ):
Feels sad for them.
& im dead sure i would totally stand up against that freaking guy if he ever did that to me.
I'd rather he hit me first so that i could complain to the principal about how bad his attitude is and most probably, if i can, get him expelled. >:(
Moreover, even if im not there, i would have punched him just for the way he treated my friends.
Damn him to the darkest pits of hell. Hope he rots there next time.
Oh man, im all red in the face now.
I dont blush, like seriously.
The only time i blush is when i laugh too hard/after exercise.
Stupid sun, make my face red. D:
Next tues going to collect O's cert with Rach & Steffi, and go out together as well. ;)
Cant wait to get that official piece of paper.
Plus we're going to the library as well. xP
& im already done with 2 books of mine, so..
I can get 4 others. HAHAA !
See, i managed to finish 5 books in 1 week.
Wonder where we're going. xP
I guess im either thinking too much, or im easily swayed.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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