Sunday, March 28, 2010
Decided that i shall blog since :
1. Im too bored.
2. Do it before i plonk my head onto my soft and comfy bed that's already flirting with me. xP
Ok i made it sound sick. Dammit. -.-
Last minute outing with LiXuan and Rebby.
Supposedly i told LiXuan that today was the only day im free out the entire week, what with all those preparations for picnic, enrolment, etc.
In the end, she invited me to accompany Reb to Somerset and get some clothes/accessories for her Choir concert.
Because it's like the Qing Ming week, the road at my house was totally jammed up.
& my parents told me the driver of 162 said the bus company decided to lessen the number of 162s driving to my house[?].
So ends up, i had to go to J8 and mao mei-ly ask Reb's mum to fetch me from J8. :/
Kinda surprising to see Reb wear shorts. It looks quite nice, with her fleshy and long legs. x.x
Headed to F21 and she bought 4 hairbands for her & her friend. Met her classmates there.
Then went to Uniqlo and i saw some very nice pieces of clothings like the sweater, jeans, and tshirt.
Sadly, im broke and i have no intention to go on a major shopping spree YET. :x
After Reb paid for her stuff, went to eat my favourite Mango dessert. :D
I think i literally pulled everyone i know there and try the Mango dessert.
But it's freaking nice and they agreed.
Home-d just like that.
And i saw their stack of lecture notes and i was instantly heaving a sigh of relief because the only thing that made sense to me was the basics of biology. -.-
Erh, at least i can make out something among all those chimchim words hor ! :P
I bet Poly's going to be something similar.
Let's just pray that it doesnt get too tough.
& there's another girl named Cheryl in my course.
Just found out and it's just like the first impression i had of another girl.
Let's hope everyone is nice and friendly. :)
Going out with Rach tomorrow to NLB.
Was a very sudden decision but it's fine with me since i already finished mine. :P
Good timing to return 4 and borrow another 4. xP
Shall be going off now ~
Rather tired. Must be because i turned in early yesterday.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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