Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Im still not accustomed to the fact that people are going to school whereas im at home sleeping till 12pm. :/
It just feels kind of weird since, it's been like that for..
15years of my life ?
This is the first time im having this kind of experience. :3
have a feeling of shunning people.
Dont know why. :/
Had 2 weird calls today.
Scared the hell out of me.
Didnt pick it up since i didnt want to engage myself in a 'wrong number' conversation.
We're becoming distant only on the 2nd day.
Will it be able to last till the end of the year.. ?
Or just merely.. June.. ?
So it's more or less confirmed that the release of results is on 11th Jan, which is this coming Monday.
Getting a little tensed up right now.
Have been thinking about several ways to escape reality by asking someone to look at my results while i run to the toilet and hide myself there.
Wish for it to be tomorrow,
but when it really is tomorrow,
i would be wishing for it to be postponed to another day.
Dont know what to expect on that day..
Talking with jie now. :D
I've become,
ever more reliant on her now.
Ever since the day school restarted,
mei gone,
i feel that we became closer.
In a way,
i have to talk to her at least once a day.. ?
I bet if she didnt use comp,
i would be messaging her too.
Been playing Sudoku on MSN with her lately. :P
It's good for the brain sia !
The last time i played was during sec3.. ?
Because tuition teacher said it was good for brains and might improve maths. xDD
Might as well give it a try.
the point is,
we've been killing our brain cells for the past few nights. -.-
Just now,
i dont know how we talked but it dragged on till we decided to draw our own house plan and show it to one another.
LOLs, she's kind of interested in why im afraid of leaving my room at night.
Especially after talking about eerie things..
It's lame, but at least, kills time. :PP
Amazing how we can actually trust each other with our secrets. Even if we never met before..
Shall continue crapping with her. :D
I have so many movies i want to watch.
Dammit, and i seriously mean a lot. x.x
It's like,
every trailer i see in the movie theatre while watching another movie,
im like,
We'll see about it. :)
Class chalet coming ! SO EXCITED. >.<
But before that, we have to get our results first.
Im a bit unhappy about the timing since normally people have it before the results,
whereas we have it after.
I mean,
wouldnt certain people be too depressed to even go enjoy themselves.. ?
But it's too late to say about this since everything has been decided and we would never be able to squeeze the timing in anyway.
- Shall consider going BOBBA to find SteffiObasan later. :D
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