Monday, November 30, 2009
Im getting more and more depressed.
Damn that stupid repairman.
Damn him into the deepest pits. D:
Not only were all my info turned into a 'shortcut' which i have no idea how to restore,
i also couldnt retrieve all my MSN emoticons + fonts.
Especially arial narrow !
So apparently, im looking at my blog with a super duper ugly font and i seriously feel so bth lor.
Fuck lah.
I should be jumping around happily.
& i knew what was coming.
But who would have thought ?
It turned out like that.
& i will ALWAYS be the one who has to resolve all the problems.
ALWAYS the one that would be scolded for being so worried about the computer when it is a super important gadget and a part of my life.
At most i'll just file a complaint about the person.
Going to blog about what i've been doing in this 2 weeks
Tuesday 16Nov
Went out with LiXuan, Rebby, ShiPing, Elena, SeeMin and Korin.
Headed to eat the tze char that Rebby had recommended.
I never knew that ShiPing didnt eat spicy food. O-O She seemed like those that really loves chilli, which is contradicting. :/
Anyways, headed to EastCoast afterwards.
Our plan was detailed, of course, because there was me. :D
Haha, not to change the subject,
our plan was that if it wasnt raining, we would head for EastCoast.
& if it did, since it had been raining for several days, we would go to SnowCity.
I think the god must have known that it's our special reunion and gathering, thus giving us as much sunlight as possible.
I could say that it was the sunniest in that week. ^^
Took a bus there.
On the way, crapped a lot and took some pictures as well. :D
Totally conquered the back of the seats on the double-decker bus. :P
Cant blame us, there were simply too many of us. xD
Then walked some distance.
& i asked SeeMin if a lion would just spring out from the forest since it seemed extremely dense and eerie. :x
So, we went to rent bikes and skates.
Elena decided to take up the challenge and learn rollerblading from Korin.
So the others, including me, went to cycle.
Since Elena
I must say that it's been a year or more since i last touched a bike, though i have 1 parked in my house. :/
The weather was extremely nice. :D
Took very interesting and seriously artistic pictures. ;D
Of course, by me. :P
I'll be uploading the pictures tomorrow morning before i head for work. ^^v
Then went to this jetty and SeeMin and Rebby began eating aeroplanes again. Retarded uh. -.=
Continued our journey, and we totally ruled the lane since we were shouting at one another. xD
But because the track was simply too long, we had to turn back even before we could ride to the end.
Went to play on the beach and there were amazing sandcastles, though i didnt take pictures of them as they looked sort of ruined. :x
There was this instant where light rays emerged from the clouds and it's where you see in some shows, that a fairy or some god descends onto Earth. :]
HAHA, took 2 pictures of it.
We were running super late by then.
So we only had about 10 to 15mins to ride back to the rental shop, which was really far away.
Came to a deal that everyone should just ride with all their might and not wait for anybody.
I thought my legs were going to break from riding so furiously. x.x
After ShiPing came back, which took quite some time, waited for Korin to walk back since she seemed totally drained from skating. :/
Headed to McDonalds to buy some food before taking the bus back to AMK.
Walked to the busstop, which was again, far.
Then i have no idea, but we began to talk about maple.
Talked about the Aran class, the worlds, the skills etc.
That's when LiXuan was swayed to join us. :D
So, now, LiXuan and Rebby are rejoining me in my conquest ! LOLs. xD
Sadly, ShiPing's playing in another world with Nicholas and Clarence, i think. :/
On the bus, the sky turned dark almost instantly.
Then it became super dark.
Creepy luh. Saw this woman sitting on a swing, wearing white and isolated from the people.
LOLs, and it totally looked like a scene in a horror movie.
I mean, which sane person would sit on a swing when the weather is really bad and nasty ? -.=||
Then we went home. :)
Wednesday 18Nov
Went to Science Centre with Rachel since she REALLY REALLY wanted to look at the body parts. -.- Eew.
& her response was :
' It's interesting ! ' *With a smile on her face. -.=
But come to think of it, since she's a psycho, i suppose that's what psychos feel towards those things.
Didnt take pictures. Like i would think about it in the first place. =.=
The body parts were kind of interesting.
But somehow, it just made me nauseous.
Reminds me the time in Marymount, when there was this science enrichment programme that i signed up for.
The person took a goat's heart to class and showed it to us.
Lucky i didnt faint on the spot.
But i just couldnt be near it.
Guess that means the doctor path is out for me. :}
The guides there are extremely nice. :D
I even chatted with some of them. ^^
& there was this giant giraffe there, plus 2 giant squids which was mating, as i suspected.
Totally disturbing. -.-a
I was sort of glad that we were leaving that place since it really sent chills down my spine, what with the air-conditioners in there. :T
Took the MRT from Jurong all the way to Bishan then Circle Line down to Harbourfront.
The trip practically took us 1hr before we reached Vivo.
Went there to buy the autograph book that we saw some time back.
I seriously couldnt recall, but i just vaguely remember that we did see one that was super cute.
Finally found it, remaining 2 pieces.
Consider us lucky. :D
Took MRT back to Bishan and bus-ed back home.
Thursday didnt do anything.
Friday 20Nov
The day we were going to Kurin's house for steamboat. :D
Actually, i was seriously taken aback and shocked that she might invite me to her house for the steamboat.
I mean, not that we were on bad terms, just that i wasnt a part of her clique.
When XiuYi said that Kurin invited us to her house, i was kinda touched. :))
At least, 4 years of classmates didnt end up in vain. ^^
Headed to AMK library since i needed to return books and also borrow some to while time while my comp was sent for repairs on Monday.
It took me awhile to find 3 books, surprisingly.
In the end, due to over-boredom, i rang ChaoNgin and asked her to come down and pei me. :P
Yah, ChaoNgin's another super nice friend.
Sometimes i feel like im troubling her by just calling her down for these retarded reasons..
But she never really rejected me, so im glad i have a friend like her ! :D
Thanks loads ! <3
Went to AMKHub to meet up with her, then went back to jubilee since she said to meet there.
She went to develop some pictures.
Then headed to Sembawang bookstores there, for nothing.
LOLs, just walked around to spend time and wait for the photos to be ready.
Crapped as usual.
After collecting her photos, went to AMKHub to meet up with the others.
We were there first.
Awhile later, saw Nixon.
It was kind of retarded because he was behind the escalator while we were at the other side of the escalator near ToastBox.
So he ended up not being able to find us, and we ended up laughing at his weirdness.
LOLs !
He came back with ShengYao later.
Gosh, the way they dress made me feel overdressed ? -.=
He was practically just wearing those shorts and shirt and like those people preparing to go downstairs to the kopitiam and have dinner before heading home. -.-
Benjamin came after that.
They went down to buy herbal tea since he was having sore throat.
Then there was this insane person that pushed my head from the back, and i realised that it was Steffi.
Of course, only someone as insane as her, is able to do something like that. ;D
Moreover, she was on the escalator going to the second storey luh.
XiuYi came then and she went to pick up the cake.
William came later.
He was at the MRT track, according to reports. :/
Reminds me of when we were talking about this idiotic position..
HAHA, well that's an inside joke. ;}
Took a bus to Kurin's house.
On the way, Benjamin kept burping, and i resisted the urge to just turn back and slap him. :D
Remember some issue that led to the topic of the F word. LOLs.
ChaoNgin was quite shocked that XiuYi said the F word readily. :/
LOLs, though i dont say it much, i thought it was normal. O-O
I mean, look at those angmohs, they say it as and when they like.
It's just that because most of us are more reserved and dont say it out doesnt make it a forbidden word or something. Lols.
Walked to Kurin's house.
Passed by several houses and that particular area was guarded by dogs and they seemed angered by our presence. D:
Kept barking at us. Now doggies no longer look that cute. :(
Finally reached her house, big, modern, class. PERFECT. =.=
The interior was even better.
Seriously bo weh gong. -.=
Explored her house since it was big.
There's this little jacuzzi.
& a balcony with a outdoor garden in her mum's room, a big bathtub that was fixed into the ground instead of being placed on the floor and she even had a mini walk-in wardrobe.
Gosh lah.
Everything that you would have wanted was there.
Or i should say, what i wanted. :/
It was more or less the type of house i wanted since the main thing i wanted was to have a balcony with a small garden so that i could have tea and appreciate the weather. :D
But Kurin's mum did say that the water in the garden flooded into her room during a heavy rain due to poor irrigation caused by the carelessness of the workers.
Took pictures. :D
Kurin's room seemed small, though it is seriously larger than mine.
She even has her own bathroom ! D:
Damn, i always wanted one in my room. :/
Several other rooms were amazing as well.
Simply stunning.
Then had steamboat awhile later.
Before that, played in the mini jacuzzi, as Brandon called it. :B
Took pictures, and William was being gay, again. -.=
Rachel came after that.
Then we began the steamboat.
Karen and WenZhen joined us in the middle of the eating process. :D
Played and fooled around.
Then asked everyone there to write in the autograph books that me and Rach brought.
Though i might not be very closed to some of them, but we can still be considered as friends for 2 years. :)
Sometimes i wonder if im having wishful thinking, in a sense, because some people might think that classmates does not mean friends.
But personally, i would rule that classmates = friends.
So i would always say to even those that im not close with, that we're friends. :/
Went home at around 10pm, fetched by Rach's dad, as i asked, since i have no idea how to get home. :x
Hugged Kurin. Something happened lah, and though i have no idea what happened, i wouldnt pry into her affairs, but i would hope that she's ok. :]
Then that XiuYi got angry that i hugged Kurin and never hug her lor.
So she came down and hugged me and for an instant, i thought i was going to die from suffocation. -.-
She even lifted me up ! Gosh lah. -.-
I bet she's trying to tell me that she's strong. ;D
When leaving, she shouted for me to eat more.
What ?!
What kind of parting speech is that supposed to be ?! -.-"
Didnt do much during the weekends.
Officially started work the following Monday.
Diana was there to assist me.
Everything was alien-ish to me lah, so i needed someone to tell me what to do.
Then i had to wait for her at the back near the storeroom since she was late.
Isetan plays this song which is sort of like their mari-kita, like Rachel said.
She said the music sounded old.
But i thought the opening sounded retarded but the chorus and other parts were nice. :D
Haha, anyways, it was weird because customers started entering before the song ended and everyone had to bow.
I didnt lah, since i was hiding. :x
First day passed with nothing much happening.
Since there was commission for selling the clothes, i was rather excited.
Then there were 2 Caucasians that came along and looked at the earrings.
I was attending to them before Diana cut in and sort of, attended to them.
Wth luh.
When she came back from the cashier as the people paid for the earrings, she swiftly told me that there were no commission for accessories and bags.
I was practically hiding my laughter because i was thinking that she seemed to be explaining herself to me.
There wasnt even a need for her to do that, unless she had a guilty conscious, or was afraid that i would become hostile towards her and her days would be numbered.
The next day, i had to set up everything myself.
Lucky, Pamelyn and Patricia were there to help me, so i learnt the ropes pretty quickly. :D
3rd day was better.
I could set things up myself. :D
But i still didnt sell anything myself.
Which made me quite sad.
But i still smiled ! :D
Then finally sold 2 pieces.
I practically clasped my hands together like sort of praying them to go to the cashier to go make payment. -.-
The rest of the days were fine.
Did 2 days of work with Rach.
Fun because we crapped as usual. At least we had company for one another and we could while the time together. ^^
Over the days, made friends with the people near my section.
Some were nice and some were strange.
I dont know.
I smiled happily to the customers and the cashier and the aunty there murmured something like, there wasnt a need for me to smile until like that.
Whatever lor.
But mostly, the people were nice.
Perhaps my smile was indeed mesmerising.
Rachel told me the manager was mean, but she seemed nice to me.
Perhaps this is what they called different treatments. :/
Till now, im sort of lucky because i havent met those really irritating customers that are practically fussy and should be in hell. :D
Sold some pieces the other day.
Today made quite good friends with another person there.
When i was leaving, she complained that she wanted to leave as well. xD
Seriously the people there are nice. ^^
But i cant say the same for my colleague.
Somehow, there's this darkness around ....
Just in case, shouldnt let my guards down. :]
& i cut bangs lah !
The aunty said that the previous fringe was not very suitable for me since she said that my forehead was rather large, though i have no idea what she meant. :/
Then she layered my hair again and cut bangs for me. :/
I cant say if it's nice or ugly since im fine with it.
At least i have another month for it to grow before changing for another hairstyle. :P
My other colleague said that i looked cute lah. Gosh.
Imagine that.
Goosebumps coming up !
Hate it when the sweat causes it to stick together.
& now i know why Rachel hates the wind because it keeps blowing the hair upwards and makes more holes which i have to hide as much as possible else it would like ugly.
We'll see what others say about my hair when im at chalet or when im going out with them.
Now i feel less depressed since Steffi said that her comp has the same problems.
Oh well.
Im going to get a laptop in a year's time, if i successfully enter a poly.
So, i guess this comp shall be reserved for playing purposes only. ^^
Update pictures onto FB tomorrow.
Must thank XiuYi for attempting to lighten my depression. xD
But i guess i wouldnt be depressed for a long time since i cant bear it. -.-
Im a very irresponsible person so i think i would just give up and dont give a damn about it in the end. :D
Hate computers !
But i love to play games with them.
Gosh, this is ironic.
I guess i might never understand these gadgets.
Better leave them to technicians. :/
Just going to concentrate on working until this Wednesday and playing ! :D
Whatever has to come, will come eventually.
Until then, im just going to forget everything. ;]
I believe im doing a good job because Mrs & Ms Boss trusts me ! ^^v
Shall go sleep now. Too late le.
Spent 1hr+ to blog this damn long blog.
Sheesh. -.-
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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