Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Physics today wasnt that bad. :)
But even if it really was bad, im still going to fail it.
So, im not giving a damn about it. :3
i am still overjoyed that im done with this subject and we're left with only 2 papers. :DD
Arent you happy for me as well ? ^^v
That damned person said that we had to attend the training on Friday at 5pm+.
This means that we're not going to be able to celebrate and party until about 7pm.
& it also signifies that im going to be doing more work even when i should be having holidays. :/
But still excited. :D
Played damn long of comp today. :D
I recall what Jethro said. Actually i overheard it in his 'too loud' voice. :x
He said to play comp for as long as he want before he is going to start studying tomorrow.
I was laughing there because though i have to agree with him silently,
the way he talks just makes me laugh. :P
There is this very weird 'aunty' side of him.
I dont know how to explain. Probably due to the fact that he complains a lot. x.x
So yah, he talks in a strange way that sounds like a woman nagging sometimes.
But still interesting. :D
Sometimes i just have to admit that the guys in our class are simply cute. :/
& Brandon wore specs today.
I guess he just 心血來潮. :x
I did wonder what i would look like with specs and tried before.
Yah cant help it. Curious ma.
Never wear before so want to try yi xia.
& i realised :
1. I look weird in specs.
2. It's super troublesome to walk around in them because they obstruct my view.
Hence, i decided not to wear specs as much as possible.
It sounds wrong, since i dont wear any now. :P
Hmm, thought over it already.
I guess i shall treat it as a new beginning.
Though i might never get used to it for who knows how many years,
but for the sake of the better future,
im going to do it. :)
Helped Namen Jie find clothes. :P
Yeaps, and she totally loved it, according to her.
I should just go be a fashion designer or expert ?
It's such a waste that my talents arent being discovered. xDD
埋沒我的天分. :x
Im going to be busy starting next Thursday, if im really going to start working.
& i still have so many things i havent done on my list. D:
Planned so much and none is going to be fulfilled this month.
I still need to go KBox with loads of people, go eat loads of different food, go picnic and prepare picnic, make ice cream, go out with emo mei, and many many.
Now im practically surrendering my freedom to that job.
Sometime later i should really ask those im going out with and start the planning again.
No matter what, im going to celebrate.
The job is going to end on 2dec.
So means im going to be damn free after that day.
Plus my bday coming.
So, should be rather busy that month.
Must go out until i shuang uh ! :P
LOLs thats all.
Going to continue playing.
Tatas !
- Some videos. :)
Heard it in canteen from NCC boys then remember. xD
Must promote my reputation. xD
Not forgetting..
Just look at that dance and the rhythm of the song ~
Enjoy. :D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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