Thursday, October 22, 2009
I just realised that the closer Olevels get, the more im not studying.
Ok, anyway just a short post before i go and read up about Rivers & Coasts and start doing Chem again.
Yesterday was practically picnic-ing while studying ?
Not only did we stock up so much tidbits and prepare to have a feast there,
we even ordered Mac delivery.
Shiok right.
Though i did quite a few things, it was really pathetically few lah..
Guess im left with not much things to revise already. ^^
I think i wont be having much revision next week since i cant really do anymore revision on Maths as i've already completed everything. ~.~
What's gotten me worried is my English.
Seriously CMI sia.
I even forgot how to spell 'tomatoes' when i was answering the Bio question !
Somemore worst still, no more practice for English liao.
Dammit. :x
Anyways, i thought that Chem structured questions was easier than Bio ?
By comparison,
i believe that though both subjects require equal number of words, Chem is still easier to answer than Bio.
Damn, and the questions are really directly taken from the textbook and rephrased ?!
Somehow reminds me of how MrGoh 'teaches' us Geography.
I already planned out quite a number of things with Rach, on what we were going to do straight after Olevels. :DD
HAHA, in order to motivate myself,
i shall post it here and remind myself of the GOALS that i set after this darn exam. xD
1. Go home sleep for 12hrs.
2. Go sing K. :D
3. Go Zoo see animals !
4. Go Botanical Garden and picnic.
5. Go Vivo eat Ben&Jerry's ~
6. Have a sleepover with meals consisting of tidbits the entire day !!
See lah, i plan studies for Olevels is the same as planning for parties after O's. xD
Regarding the botanical garden.. Rach suddenly had this urge to go because she said the front gate was super big [ though i have no idea how it links to her wanting to go there. -.= ]
& so we're intending to make Sushi again ! :D
HAHA, then must bring the traditional picnic baskets. :/
LOLs, im so motivated now that i feel like going back to sleep again. x.x
Slept 12hrs to compensate for loss of sleep previous night..
That's all.
Going to read until time to watch TV ! @.@
Fullstop ~
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