Friday, November 6, 2009
Finally all the major papers are over. :D
& im free already ! ^^
Even before the MCQ ends. :/
But i feel so sadded because other people are going to party before us. D:
Anyways, today's paper was easy and doable.
But i doubt i would be able to score because im sure to have tons of careless mistakes. -.-
Dammit, the bell curve is going to be torturous. D:
Shant think about this anymore. It's just going to make me even more depressed. -.=
Just now went to shop around AMKHub with Rach to find a present for her sis.
But she couldnt find something suitable since her sister was kind of fussy about the things Rach bought. :/
Pity her uh. :x
Im going to change handphone number. D:
Nope, im not going to change my phone, just the number.
Why ?
Because of a stupid mistake my mum made while registering her number together with mine, in the end i took hers and she took mine. -.-
So now, i've to get a new number, and the worst part is i have to message all my friends and tell them i changed number ?!
Like wth !
Just looking at the contact list gives me a headache.
Moreover i dont even have the numbers of some people when they have mine. =.="
So, im just writing here to tell those that have my number that im changing my number soon. If you didnt receive my message, please talk to me on MSN or FB. :)
I dont want to change number. It's so troublesome ! D:
Sian diaos.
Anyways, added some primary school friends on FB and they posted some really old class photos. :}
All of a sudden, i miss those times, though i kind of forgot most of them except the last batch of friends. :/
& i saw HER!
Neh, my arch enemy lor. -.-
I think we were practically those kind of 水火不容 type. -.-a
We can be classmates today, and turn into enemies the following day. :/
Because of her attitude ! Not mine. :D
Miss them. D:
So i began to recap all the things im going to do starting next Friday. :D
I did it while eating just now at Hub. :3
1. Go ION eat food at basement.
2. Go Vivo eat Ben&Jerry's.
3. Go Botanical Garden picnic.
4. Go Zoo and look at those cute animals.
5. Go BookFest.
6. Go KBox/Partyworld.
7. Go watch movie.
8. Go shopping.
9. Go birthday party.
10. Go out with namen & elaine.
11. Learn to make icecream and treat my friends.
12. Chiong anime.
13. Stare at AllenWalker until my eyes drop out. :DD
14. Buy present for tuition teacher.
15. Prepare dad's present.
16. Visit Grandma and Aunt since it's been ages.
17. Go East Coast cycle with friends.
18. Go feed fish.
19. Go ETP/WWW.
20. Go Malaysia shop ! :D If possible. :x
HAHA, now that's a long list.
That's about all.
Shall go and slack liao.
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