Saturday, November 7, 2009
I slacked the entire day. D:
Didnt do anything productive at all.
Now that's what i call total relaxation.
But it feels weird to not be mugging like some insane person. :/
Somehow, i think im getting accustomed to studying for a few hours each day, which i know im insane. :D
I lost the goal of 2009. D:
Anyways, had a really great talk with ChaoNgin yesterday night. :D
Sometimes it feels good to be able to talk to someone without any worries.
And it's even better when they are able to understand how you feel or simply agrees with what you think. :)
Plus you get to know how they feel. ^^v
So yah, it was really nice. :]
Thanks ChaoNgin ! <3
& talked about job-hunting after Olevels is officially over.
My god lah, she already found one.
And im still looking around with Rachel, though there were several recommendations.
But if we were really to go work, it would just clash with our outing days.
So it would mean that i would have to choose between work and play.
But i guess i might just end up playing instead. :x
Please help me keep a lookout. :D
My comp is going insane again.
Been lagging these days.
& it happily did a 20min lag session with me when i turned on the comp yesterday.
So stressed ! >.<
Come to think of it now, i think maybe mixed schools are indeed better than girls' school. :)
I might miss people in MCS, but i wont want to go through it again.
These people are really scary.
Comparison shall always exist and last time, as i am innocent, i wasnt exposed to such things. :D
Now, im dead sure i'll have a heart attack and high blood pressure everyday because of some people who likes to compare constantly.
To hell with the 'Comparing causes improvement' kind of theory.
There must be tons of people that died under such a theory. -.=
Well, im going to be a smart person and avoid all these useless and nonsensical competition.
It would just shorten my lifespan and make me die at a younger age.
Hate waiting for the exams. D:
Why cant it be squeezed into the first 3 days instead of spreading it until the end of next week ?!
This is human torture ! :(
I think i lost my excitement from awaiting the partying days.
Must be because of the job-hunting thingy.
Makes my brain tired and sleepy.
Looks like im much of a simpleton & my brain cant comprehend complicated things, just like namen jie. :D
Must be hereditary ! >:)
Thats all.
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