Sunday, November 1, 2009
After blog-hopping around on everyone's blogs that i may/may not know,
i realised that im the only one that's still updating rather actively this period ?
I guess it's kind of wrong uh.
To be updating and using the computer as much as i do when i am supposed to be mugging and sticking my head into the thick stack of papers.
But i read some very interesting blogs. :D
Somehow reminds me of old times in lower sec, yah ?
Makes me wonder how i passed my days back then~
Erm let's see..
Enter sec1, work hard in the first term because guaikia from girls' school just came out. :P
Term2 onwards.. Hehe. -.=" Got homework, go home never do, chiong comp, go back school copy everyday. =.=
I think i led a life like this in that 2 years of my life. Gosh. -.-||
Hey, but i enjoyed it to an extent. :P Though i suffered lots during sec3 and 4. ~.~
Then i remember looking at my report book during Primary school. :D
It just sort of, popped out in front of me, or some sort. :/
& again, i realised how clever i was. :D
During primary 1 to 3. =.="
Erh, not bad leh, except for English because i remember panicking on the first day of school because i couldnt understand a single thing the person was saying.
I just recalled that it was sort of like alien language which i couldnt comprehend and i cried and told my mum about my failure. :(
Anyways, i forgot how i mastered English, but there, i can speak and understand it. :D
Sort of saw the remarks and everything was so.. I dont know. Ordinary ?
Must be because i've been looking at the
Sometimes its good to recollect the old times.
And im beginning to forget some of the teachers.
Like i cant even remember having a male teacher when i was in primary3 ?
Must be because his impact on me wasnt big enough. xD
Of course, the most is MdmQuek and.. Other teachers luh. :]
Still remember there was this teacher which i shant name, and my cousin was taught by her during her primary1 period.
She made it until like that teacher was such a scary figure that i had a phobia towards that person throughout my entire year. =.=
FYI : We attended the same primary school. :)
Anyways, good times. ;}
& i believe i would try to recall the wonderful times i spent in my secondary life with all my true friends. ^^v
Somehow i feel fortunate because i wasnt 'exposed' to those people who are known as hypocrites ? :/
Either im too ignorant or im not gossipy enough to know that,
but im glad that i never made friends with these kind of people.
Saves all those rumours and ruining my reputation. xP
Im satisfied with my gang of friends, and that's enough. Nothing else matters. :D
Currently slacking since i dont wish to read anymore notes regarding SS and im just going to go head-on with it.
Regarding Chem.. I read it yesterday, so should be of not much of a problem. ^^
Out of boredom today,
i wrote out an entire list of what i wanted to do, again, in order to remind myself. :x
LOLs, other than those i've mentioned,
i want to go out with the old 205 gang. :D
I mean not the entire class, but classmates and still friends kind. ^^
Example like.. ShiPing, Korin and others ? O-O
Not so close ones also can come out together what. :3
Moreover, it's almost the end.
We should have a proper celebration ! ;]
Hmm, as for 409..
Will be still the old people lor.
I guess everyone has their own clique, so trying to fit in now might be rather awkward.
Imagine going out with some people that you arent super close to.
But if everyone is willing, then it's fine luh. (:
we'll see about that lah. :D
I plan so many events also not sure whether it's going to be executed out or not. D:
Aiyah, im poor ma, then insufficient fundings. :/
Unless someone sponsors. ^^
Worst thing is i've to eliminate some of the plans, then it's going to be a torture. T-T
But must find a job. :/
SIAN ! =.=
We'll walk one step, see one step. :P
Shall go and continue playing until i feel like studying Geog. xD
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