Friday, October 30, 2009
It's raining.
I guess the weather sort of reflects half of my feelings. :/
Quite demoralised by AMaths ?
Was so sure of myself because i knew those topics well.
But in the end, those i really understood well, was damn tough.
And for those that im not that good in, surprisingly i could do it.
To an extent. -.-
Somehow i feel like asking around to confirm my answers, but in the end, i didnt.
Because :
1. It might sound like im trying to showoff IF i got the question correct.
2. If i got it wrong, im just going to stab myself a few more times in the heart. :D
Save myself from remembering any careless mistakes i did. :x
Oh well !
I doubt im going to get an A for AMaths. -.=
But im fine with a B3/4 :D
Anyways, it's time for me to start memorising all those thick textbooks for next week. D:
& im not going to let myself breakdown like i did last time..
im not exceptionally thrilled by the fact that maths is over.
But i AM excited about the fact that im nearing my celebration and parties ~ ^^v
Ok, so..
3 subjects down.
5 subjects more to go ! >:)
Fullstop !
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