Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Im supposed to be mugging like some siao lang now.
But i guess i really did mug too much the month before that now,
im left with nothing much to do.
So, i guess, sometimes its not really good that you complete your revision so early before the exam, uh ?
Does this mean im destined to study last minute ? :D
As in, last minute hug the Buddha leg. xD 零時抱佛腳. :P
But then, im not the only one having this kind of problem lah.
Apparently ChaoNgin is as well. x.x
& i really wish that i have 20yr series instead.
Yes, SeeMin said im mad.
Im not plain mad, im insane and should be sent to the mental hospital immediately.
I have NEVER EVER completed my assessment books that i bought.
Whenever i buy one, the most i do is up till half a book.
& now, i manage to complete the entire book.
Either im born to be able to study to an extent, or my brain is fooling me by letting me to be enlightened all of a sudden. ~.~
Shall go and study Geog after posting since im really, not really into the mood to study.
Tomorrow going to Mac to study with Rach. :D
I slept till rather late today.
Ok maybe it wasnt, to me lah.
Didnt sleep last night. =.= Various reasons and i guess is subconscious mind telling me that Olevels is coming ! OMG. -.-
The time for me to have insomnia is coming !~ @.@
The electric tripped in the middle of the night as well. & i was still trying to get my fan to work while half awake and dozing..
Did Bio and Chem today.
Bio was really... Annoying.
I have no idea how Karen and XueLi could enjoy doing Bio as they progress. =.=
Can understand for MCQ. But regarding the structured questions.. NO WAY.
But somehow, im quite enjoying Chem.
Now i think it wasnt as difficult as it seemed.
On second thought again, my knowledge isnt there yet. =.-
Yes, i didnt even know that Aluminium Oxide is super duper strong that it has a high melting point ?!
My gosh.
Still got so many things i dont know, and was still talking with ChaoNgin awhile ago about certain things that i've no idea about.
Now i know why ShiPing hates Chem. :D
But ours is tougher ! T-T
Anyways, im just going to get it over and done with.
Im just going to 硬著頭皮,撐下去. :(
Promise myself not to think about it after the exam or you'll see headlines the next day that i went to commit suicide.. :x
Went to have dinner by myself. So sad hor. D:
& i wished i could find someone to eat together.
Suan le.
Then went to buy some food. ^^
Finally found my motivation !
Went home and on comp until now.
Thats about all lah.
Took the bus home and on the way, i saw this monk boarding the bus !? O-O
OMG lah.
I mean, i thought that monks should be living by the rule of simplicity.. ?
How can they change with modernisation !? >.<
And they shouldnt be taking public transports in the first place !
Arent they supposed to be in the monastery their entire life and praying for the people ? -.-
My gosh.
And even if they travel, they should be walking like what the olden day monks do !
Is it me or is it that times have changed that even monks become so 'modern' ? ._.
LOLs, i even saw monks in the shopping mall before.
Interesting uh.
Maybe im getting too retro that im still stuck with this kind of mentality. :/
Must have been watching too much old shows that i thought they will never do this.. O-O
Erh, must start preparing for ______'s present already. :D
Though we wont be able to give on time, i guess a belated present doesnt affect much as well.
It's the last year together..
I should try to give presents to those even if they never gave me at all.
Sometimes i wonder why im so stupid as to be the one who always send cards and presents when the other party never does..
All the way !~
3 weeks, sure going to pass.
Im left with quite a lot of time actually.
So i must make good use of it ! ^^
At least i tried my best..
Right ?
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