Friday, October 2, 2009
Quite a number of people didnt come today.
Mainly girls.
So in the end, 409 was only left with 3/4 of the population. :(
I seriously have no idea why people want to go home instead of going to school.
Even though i know that part of the reason is because they want to study at home as school isnt very productive,
isnt it still part of our responsibility to attend school ?
And that reason alone isnt enough to go against the fact that school let us ask more questions.
So why ?
And i thought that school was a very suitable environment for studying to be carried out..
We could even ask teachers for assistance if we had any difficulties.
Friends are also around us, so we study more easily.
Aiyah, i dont know lah.
This is all my opinion.
Just that some people made me shocked that they would go ahead and do such things as well..
Wondering why people begin to pon school these days..
Even Elena pon-ed yesterday.
Heck luh, they pon is their business.
Lose out on anything is just their loss and our gain. :]
Just like what happened in SS today. ^^
Perhaps we're only beginning to feel more pressurized at this point of time.
Lessons were boring because nothing much happened.
Just did lots of TYS again.
Practice, practice and practice..
Not much things were affected because of the absentees.
Had remedial later and then went home with a heavy stack of books.
My bag wouldnt have increased its load if it wasnt for those stupid dumbass who said that today would be the last day for us to use the lockers, and it was on the spot,
Wtf. -.-
I was like, wth ?
Then had to rush down to my locker just to retrieve the entire stack of untouched books ever since Prelims.
I even needed help from ChaoNgin to take half of the books for me. =.=
Yes, my locker's capacity was so much that quite a number of people was asking me about how i intended to carry it all the way home.
Originally, i decided to take a cab home and ask mum to get me.
But then, because she was out,
i had to carry those retarded books all the way to the busstop.
Lucky thing was 162 came when i was reaching busstop.
So i made it on time. :D
Looks like a day couldnt be too perfect or too bad after all. ;}
Im still planning on what to do later tonight.
All of a sudden, im having the craving for a tub of Milo IceCream.. :x
Haha, yes, a tub. =.=
Yah lah, i know i eat a lot, can ? :3
Dont see my size like that, i eat a lot de hor ! ^^
That's why im stronger than before ! :D
I think. -.=a
Finish the following :
- Bio 2007 Paper2 SectB
- AMaths 2007 Paper2
- EMaths 2007 Paper1&2
- Chem TYS
- Geog ws
- Phy TYS* [ Optional since i've done quite a lot yesterday. ]
Yeah, so im practically doing all my TYS.
See, i got do de leh. Just that mostly still at 07 papers. :/
Actually i could have stopped doing maths for a period of time since i managed to complete the 10 papers of each subject,
but i was afraid that i might become too slack before Olevels came.
So i decided to buy another TYS to "fulfill" my requirements. :D
Have to start cracking, else i wont get a second chance in life.
WenZhen was all flustered about whether she should go to Poly or JC or not.
I mean, since she has DPA-ed, why waste this opportunity ?
And not to suan her, but in case she couldnt manage the stress level there, she's going to drop into Poly again.
So wouldnt it be a waste of time ?
LOLs, actually i thought about going to JC,
and burst my own bubble the next second.
Reason being,
im not one that can cope well with stress.
I can only catch up at the very last minute, when everything pieces themself together and making everything clearer.
Just like how im beginning to understand maths only at the last few months.
So, im not going to take that risk again.
Unless i prove to myself that im capable of handling such pressure.
Moreover, i'll have to persuade my parents in allowing me to go to JC since they're worried about whether i can cope or not.
So, at the moment, i shall just focus on attempting to ace as much subjects as i can, just to make that Olevel cert nicer in appearance. :D
Going to take an afternoon nap.
After showers always makes me feel sleepy. ~.~
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