Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ok, yes i know, i said i would abstain from computers.
But, it's just how i survive ! D:
At least im not using comp as much as before right. ;D
& im doing homework right. :D
So yah, it's totally something that i deserve to enjoy after a 'hard day's work'. :x
Damn Joshua & Brandon. Dare suan me. -.-
School was ok.
Just did TYS.
& i think after Sec4 life, what i understood was that,
TYS are our main source of life. Without them, we're dead.
And so, practically at this point of time,
i only bring TYS to school instead of bringing textbooks. -.=
Someday i should take a picture of the number of TYS i bought in just 2 years' time and some that i never even touched. =.=
Today's TYS included EL, AMaths, Chem and Phy.
So the colours were super vibrant because it was Yellow, Green, Blue and Red ! :D
Super nice colour, except for the fact that they are scary because i havent complete them yet. -.=
Did EL passage.
Did Bio MCQ.
->She's so troublesome lah ! Why is there a need to take attendance when MrAng has already taken it in the morning and she's not our form teacher in the first place ? =.=?
Somemore is so distracting when she talks so loudly when we're trying so hard to answer the questions.
Make me cannot think STRAIGHT ! So in the end, i think wai. :D
EMaths was good news because..
This is the second marriage by our class after MsTan's. xD
We were just saying that she married to MrHiew. :x
So i was telling them that wouldnt it mean that she has to go to Sabah someday and go jump parachute with MrHiew ?
LOLs. xD
Chem, asked questions.
Actually i didnt prepare because i didnt know she was going to cancel tomorrow's session.
So.. We just gathered at the front and started asking questions.
Some people are just plain annoying.
They can ask so many questions and hawk the teachers and when others do the same, they start complaining that we take too long.
Kao sia.
Luckily i stopped myself from shouting across the class.
Or i would have just scolded Walaoeh back at them.
Phy went through answers.
Didnt have Geog.
Dismissed early. :D
But while waiting for damned 162, we spent practically 30mins.
So in the end, we only boarded the bus around 1.30.
What's the difference ? =.=
Went home and slept ! :D
Supposedly i wanted to stay back and study with the others tomorrow since im always so unproductive in the afternoons.
But tomorrow is the last day of IceCream Buffet! D:
So how can i miss it ? ;}
Somemore mum and dad said it would be ok for me to go have some fun since im a good girl these days. :D
Haha, so after tomorrow im broke again. -.=||
Im productive in the evening ! :DD
Except for some questions i cant do. :x
Killed Phy 2005 PAPERR ! ;DDDDDD
KILLED some Chem that i didnt complete. :x
& im going to do EMaths and Bio in school tomorrow. ;]
Ok, so at least now im 6/10 ready to go for Olevels though i know it's getting quite late since im only left with less than a month.
My comp has officially gone insane with the colour going haywire. :D
I have mentioned this before, but if those who didnt know, now you know. :]
So yes, i have been blogging with a computer screen that is malfunctioning and im acting as if nothing happened and now it's back to normal.
Just hope that it's alright.
If it's ok then im not going to let parents kidnap my comp screen to the technician. ;}
& im still sadded i cant go to NightSafari. D:
I want see TIGGGERR. T-T
Never mind, next time i go see OrangUtan. :D
That's all !
Fullstop. ;]
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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