Tuesday, September 22, 2009
OMG im beginning to slack again.
But at least, i did some AMaths.. ?
LOLs. -.=
Who am i kidding ?
Watching some super old shows again and realising again, how idiotic these dramas are. xD
Very school-ish day in school. :/
EL, only did vocabulary when i thought that she would be returning us the compo we wrote that day.
& i was super dreading it since the start of the long weekends. -.-"
At the end of the lesson, i was already demoralized.
Imagine getting demoralised at 8am+ when you still have hours to go before school ends..
Bio, she went through the papers.
It was super boring.
I can define the term BORING
by giving all of you a very splendid example :
Me suggesting to LiXuan that we count the number of times we yawn in the 45-min period.
At the end of the experiment,
i can only conclude that i wasnt that attentive as LiXuan because i yawned 10 times, and her 7. :D
LOLs, fine, we were super bored can ?
& MsNg just had to make the lesson more UNinteresting by talking in a sort-of-monotonous tone.
Maths, MsFoo went through papers.
Wasnt listening much, just clearing some misconception on the roots thingy.
Did my Logarithm and my brain cells practically died at a faster rate than when i was listening to her talking maths.
Actually, i got stuck almost every 2 question.
So i think you can guess how long it took me to clear the total assignment given to me. -.=
Crapped with Karen, Fiona and XueLi.
LOLs, super retard, and they still ORRRHHH~ till so loud. -.-a
昭告全天下我們沒專心聽課. xDD
Had gastric before recess even came because that stupid PeiYee took out her box of rice and started luring us with the smell. -.-
& again, i can only say that,
MsTan cracked some stupid jokes during Chem such as saying that she's going to get married on Saturday, and be on a honeymoon on Sunday.
LOLs, actually i wasnt really laughing at her stupid reasons.
I was just laughing because the guy that married her was so damn
Well, like what LiXuan said, the lucky guy would be able to pinch her chubby cheeks EVERY SINGLE DAY. ;DD
Phy, went through TYS.
No eye see, i practically forgot all the formulas.
Someday, i must go and find those idiotic formulas where i can just sub the things in and get the answers straight.
I wouldnt mind doing brainless things just to get the marks. :]
Geog, MrsSingh came in and entertained us again. :DD
LOLs, last time i wasnt really that fond of her because there was this unusual 'trait' of her when she was in ArtClub monitoring. :/
But i think she changed, somehow.. x.x
Totally fun, and i think the entire class would be praying every single day that MrGoh doesnt come for Geog lessons because in this way, MrsSingh would be taking over his lessons. xDD
Later, while waiting for 2.15, doodled on the whiteboard, drawing people like ChaoNgin, XueLi, Fiona, XiuYi, Rachel, Natalie... & WenZhen ! :x
But the sad thing was, they erased it even before i could take a picture. T-T
Dammit, never mind, there's always other opportunities~ ;}
Me & ChaoNgin were laughing at Brandon's pronunciation again. LOLs.
Ok, shant elaborate much here in case it offends anybody in the process. :)
Went to find MrAng later.
Clarified some questions.
So though it wasnt really smooth-going, at least i DID something in attempt to do better. ^^
Hmm, that's all luh.
Shall post the picture of my 2 stupid cousins playing Wii last Sunday, someday. :/
You will never see people like us, playing games until we had to stand up to satisfy our "needs". -.-
But the sadded thing was i forgot to take a picture of my baby cousin ! D:
She's super chubby luh ! ^^v
HOWEVER, she hates me. D:
Because my aunt says that she cries when she sees people prettier than her.
Just like how she cried when she saw my other female cousin, but not when she sees the guys or aunties. :x
LOLs, so young already so easy jealous.
Next time grow up see shuaige then really no eye see liao. ~.~
HAHAA, she's as chubby as i am when i was a baby. :D
So, the key to being skinny is to be super fat when you're born so that in the future, you'll be skinnier.
Or you can just shorten your intestines and make it link directly out, so that whatever goes in, comes out the next minute. ;]
This is how Rach and i 保養. LOLs ! xD
Ok, this is too crappy.
Btw, just sidetrack a bit since i asked Rach this question at the bus stop..
What's the difference between Yakult and Vitagen ? O-O
Think about it and please give me good replies. ;D
Fullstop !
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