Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ok, just blogging before i go slack on my bed and stop doing anymore revision for the day. :D
Well, actually i finished revision hours ago. -.="
Woke up at 7.15am just to make it to the English Compre thingy. -.-"
Anyways, reached there as the
Waited for others to arrive, then eventually, Fiona, LiXuan and SeeMin came !~
Rebby didnt come since they said she had a headache.
Dont headache also impossible luh.
See me this kind of slacker dont do homework one, can study until my brain going to explode, dont say that guaikia lah. :x
This is all the damned stress' fault ! D:
Went to Detention Room for the session.
It wouldnt have been so shocking if MsKarasiv didnt use her chicken to SQUAWK at us. -.=
She said that the chicken was her pet.
& it's made of plastic btw. :D
Totally cute and yellow.
It just reminds me of the chicken rice those 白斬雞 leh~
LOLs x.x
The way it 'squawks' was super disturbing. -.=
To make it worst, William just had to squeeze it until it made a sort-of crying + laughing sound. ~.~
Then she started the session.
I must admit that after today, my opinion of her has changed.
-> Ever since her 'hand signal' created a huge impact on me. :x
Yah, she's totally animated and lively.
Dont know is just for today or she has always been like that.
But seriously, the session didnt make me feel tired or bored.
So i guess it was useful to an extent. :]
Went to disiao the chicken after the session because it made us curious. xD
It has this plastic-y smell and there's even dots on it which makes it similar to those on the skin on those chicken fat ! O-O
Now you know why i said it was like chicken rice de chicken. :3
& that stupid William throw paper + sweet inside its mouth ! D:
Lucky i nicenice, use my hand dig out the things and throw back at him. ^^v
Saves the poor chicky the torture. ;D
Somemore is like, chickens are our 祖宗!
How can like that treat them, HUH?!
They so pathetic liao, must let us eat.
Now they got toy also must let us torment. -.=
Dont know why people dont honor chickens instead. Only use them for offerings. =.=||
*FYI : The chicken mouth super big. When i say i could use my fingers to dig the things out, you should know approximately how big its mouth is. ;)
Went home alone, listening to mp3. YAY <3
Slept awhile and had tuition.
Didnt do much, just do some normal differentiation and got stuck on some stupid idiotic questions. T-T
Finished Bio and Eng homework.
Did some chapters of AMaths and finished off Phy MCQ 2006. :D
Tomorrow going to do some EMaths and complete my AMaths.
Shall do some Chem too. ^^
That's about all.
Life is boring at this point of time. :(
So cant blame me if i suddenly lost my sense of humor. :}
& im insane over KimJun's songs. x.x
Super nice ! :DD
Love the beat and rhythm ~
Shall end here !
Fullstop ~
- Empty Bet
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